The Adaptation Fund’s Readiness Programme for Climate Finance aims to help strengthen the capacity of national and regional implementing entities to receive and manage climate financing, particularly through the Direct Access modality, and to adapt and build resilience to counter changing climate conditions in sectors ranging from agriculture and food security to coastal zones and urban areas. The programme also aims to advance direct access in developing countries and promotes the accreditation of National Implementing Entities (NIEs) from developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change.
Navigating the accreditation process and fulfilling the requirements of the accreditation criteria can be a challenging experience for countries. Receiving support and guidance from an already accredited NIE of the Adaptation Fund (the Fund) can help developing countries that are going through the accreditation process to quickly navigate through the accreditation requirements and reduce the length of the accreditation process. It is expected that such peer-peer support will effectively help build national capacity and sustainability for both the accreditation applicant and the provider of accreditation support.
As part of the Readiness Programme, the Adaptation Fund Board (the Board) decided to make South-South Cooperation grants available in order to increase peer to peer support among accredited NIEs and those seeking accreditation. These grants are aimed at strengthening the capacity of countries seeking accreditation with the Fund to undertake activities, and to prepare and submit relevant documents that lead to accreditation with the Fund.
How It Works
Countries seeking accreditation with the Adaptation Fund can submit through an eligible accredited NIE, a proposal for peer support to prepare and submit an application for accreditation to the Fund. The country seeking accreditation can contact an accredited NIE of their choice to initiate dialogue and work with the NIE to see through the submission of the proposal to receive peer support.
Following receipt of the proposal, the Adaptation Fund Board secretariat will review the application and make a recommendation to the Board. The Board will then make a decision on the proposal and if approved, funds will be transferred to the accredited NIE to implement, together with the country seeking accreditation, the activities for peer support as outlined in the proposal.
The South-South Cooperation grants are no longer available and have been replaced by the readiness package grant which enables the delivery of more targeted and comprehensive support for accreditation to the Adaptation Fund.