
The Adaptation Fund Board (the Board) has made Project Formulation Grants (PFGs) available to accredited national implementing entities (NIEs) of the Adaptation Fund (the Fund) to build the capacity of NIEs in project preparation and design. NIEs that are at the concept development stage of the Fund’s project cycle process have the option to request a PFG up to a maximum of US$30,000 per project together with their submission of the project concept to the Board. PFGs can support project formulation activities, including among others feasibility studies or consultations. A PFG could only be awarded when a project concept has been presented to and endorsed by the Board.  Since AFB42 the Board had updated the limits for PFGs. The details are available at the   Project Formulation Grant Page  . The template for a Request for Project Formulation Grant (PFG)is available under Project Proposal Materials.

Component one of the Fund’s Readiness Programme for Climate Finance is focused on providing support to accredited implementing entities of the Fund. Under this component, the secretariat will provide support to accredited implementing entities of the Fund. To compliment the PFGs and support the undertaking of specialist technical assessments during project preparation and design, the Board has also made available Project Formulation Assistance (PFA) grants under the Readiness Programme, up to a maximum of US$20,000 per project.

The grants are meant to help NIEs tap into external (international or national) expertise in the form of short-term consultant assignments to undertake specific technical assessments such as an environmental impact assessment (EIA) a vulnerability assessment (VA), a risk assessment, a gender study, and other environmental and social assessments.

It is expected that through the PFA grant, NIEs will be able to capitalize on available external expertise to strengthen their capacity to undertake the necessary technical assessments related to the design and development of adaptation projects and programmes. Through this process, NIEs can also generate information in advance on the likely effects climate change will have on people and the environment and also information on the likely environmental, social as well as gender related effects of the project or programme that should be avoided, remedied or minimized.


All accredited NIEs of the Fund are eligible to apply for a PFA grant. The PFA grant can be requested at the same time when NIEs going through the two-step approval process submit project concepts.

The PFA grant is available for each accredited NIE up to a maximum of US$20,000 per project and can be accessed by submitting a request to the Board through the Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat.

Apply for PFA Grants

The calls for PFA grants are open on an ongoing basis. To apply for the PFA grant, please download the application form here.