News and seminar information for the Adaptation Fund’s Readiness Programme for Climate Finance
Upcoming Events
April 2025- Webinar on Decisions of the 44th AFB meeting
6-9 May 2025 – Readiness Write-shop in Recife, Brazil
June 2025- Country Exchange in Panama
Events in Calendar Year 2025
5 March 2025- Proposed Amendments to the Provisions of the OPGs Related to the Designated Authorities of The Fund
The Adaptation Fund (the Fund or alternatively, the AF) hosted a webinar on the Proposed Amendments to the Provisions of the OPGs Related to the Designated Authorities of The Fund. Under Decision B.43/29 of the 43rd meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board, the Board decided to adopt and initiate the change of the definition of “Designated Authority” from an officer to an entity and to phase out the current system of nominated government officer as Designated Authority at the end of the 12-month period and, effective immediately, to no longer accept new nominations of officers as Designated Authorities. In this context, the webinar will aim to help the AF focal points to navigate this change and get further insight and clarification into the transition period to enable countries to nominate entities as their Designated Authorities, with a primary contact point who is authorized to sign official letters to the Fund, as well as up to two secondary contact points to facilitate communication and coordination with the Fund. This engagement is crucial in ensuring that the Fund’s communication with the DAs would further expand AF’s support to enhance the institutional capacity of DAs.
Below, you will find the record of the webinar and presentations:
11 February 2025- Updates to the AF Strategic Results Framework
The Adaptation Fund hosted a webinar to share key updates to its Strategic Results Framework (SRF) and discuss their implications for the Fund’s implementing entities (IEs). The webinar discussed updates to incorporate feedback previously received from the entities and reflect changes the Fund has undergone since the Framework was last finalized. The webinar presented the proposed revisions to the SRF to the Fund’s accredited IEs and seek their valuable insights and feedback on the proposed revisions. This engagement is crucial in ensuring that the revised SRF is comprehensive, inclusive, and practical for implementation across diverse contexts. The webinar was attended by all IEs of the Fund with a total of 106 participants.
Below, you will find the record of the webinar and presentations:
Events in Calendar Year 2024
9 December 2024- Webinar on Using Earth Observation (EO) Tools for Climate Adaptation
The European Space Agency (ESA) in collaboration with the Adaptation Fund (AF), hosted an insightful webinar to explore how Earth Observation (EO) tools can enhance climate adaptation efforts. The event brought together a diverse audience of accredited Implementing Entities (IEs) of the AF from around the globe, offering an interactive platform to learn, exchange ideas, and identify practical solutions for enhancing climate adaptation projects worldwide with space-born EO technology. The session showcased ESA’s cutting-edge EO applications, emphasizing their ability to help address challenges in key adaptation sectors such as agriculture, water management, disaster risk reduction, and urban resilience. The webinar covered a variety of topics presented by experts from ESA’s Long-term Action Section, with each segment tailored to provide practical insights and empower IEs to integrate EO into their adaptation projects. The webinar was attended by all IEs of the Fund with a total of 56 participants.
Below, you will find the record of the webinar and presentations:
- Harnessing Earth Observation Technology for Climate Adaptation
- Small Grant Innovation Project – SLAMDAM Uganda
- Observation technologies used at the “Adaptation Project to the impacts of climate change on the coastal marine ecosystem of Peru and its fisheries
29 October 2024- Webinar on Decisions of the 43rd AFB meeting
The Adaptation Fund hosted a webinar to share key updates form the decisions of the 43rd Adaptation Fund Board meeting that took place from 10-11 October 2024, and its implications for the implementing entities of the Fund. The webinar was attended by all IEs of the Fund with a total of 96 participants.
Below, you will find the record of the webinar and presentations:
- Programming updates: from AFB43 towards AFB44
- Guidance on updated operational policies and new cap for learning grants
- Potential options to revise project post approval policies
- Amendments to the definition of Designated Authority
16-19 September 2024- Annual IE Seminar in South Africa
The Adaptation Fund (AF)’s 2024 Annual Implementing Entity (IE) Seminar kicked off from September 16-19 in Johannesburg, South Africa with more than 70 participants. For four days, participants from AF together with the Fund’s 33 NIEs and 9 RIEs across the globe and their projects’ executing entities discussed Innovation in Adaptation.
27 NIEs and 6 RIEs participated and shared their experiences during the Annual IE Seminar.
Below, you will find the workshop report, presentations, along with a graphic representation of all the AF funding windows in once place that was presented during the seminar:
- MTS-II Implementation Developments and Operational Updates
- Overview of reporting requirements for approved projects
- Adaptation Fund Evaluation Policy and Support Update from the AF-TERG
- Designing an innovation program
- RANETA Case Study
- Innovation in Climate- UNDP
- WIPO GREEN Introduction and tools
31 July 2024- Webinar on Evaluation Policy
The Adaptation Fund hosted a webinar on Evaluation Policy Considerations in Project Design. This webinar introduced the newest AF Evaluation Policy Guidance Note, Evaluation in Project Design. This guidance note is the 11th in the series to support implementation of the AF Evaluation Policy. The webinar discussed how the policy applies to proposals and how putting good M&E principles into place at the design stage can improve project quality.
Below, you will find the record of the webinar and presentations:
- Evaluation Policy and implications for Project Design
- Quality at Entry for Projects and Programmes across all funding windows
- Reporting, Evaluations and Results Management in the Adaptation Fund
17 June 2024- Webinar on Gender
The Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat through its Readiness Programme hosted a webinar on Gender in order to accelerate, encourage and enable the goal of gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls and the equal treatment of people regardless of gender, including the equal opportunities for access to Fund resources and services. The webinar discussed the e-learning course on gender mainstreaming and the role of data in informing environmental and gender-based violence programming.
Below, you will find the record of the webinar and presentations:
- AF e-learning course on Gender Mainstreaming
- IUCN- Information and data to advance safety and dignity for gender equality
30 May 2024- Webinar on Decisions of the 42nd AFB meeting
The Adaptation Fund hosted a webinar to share key updates form the decisions of the 42nd Adaptation Fund Board meeting that took place in April, and its implications for the implementing entities of the Fund.
Below, you will find the record of the webinar and presentations:
- Record of the Webinar
- Overview of AFB42 Decisions
- Updates on the LLA and important new rules around PFGs
- Changes to the learning grants
- Gap analysis for project implementation policies revision
29-30 April 2024- Financing Locally Led Adaptation in Asia and the Pacific and AF Accreditation
The Adaptation Fund hosted a workshop on Financing Locally Led Adaptation in Asia and the Pacific and AF Accreditation in Manila, Philippines with joint partnership with the Asian Development Bank, from 29 -30th April 2024. The workshop brought together government representatives from selected developing countries in Asia Pacific region to (i) enhance their knowledge on the importance of locally-led adaptation as an approach to improve climate resilience of communities recognizing the value of local knowledge, leveraging the strengths of existing local systems, and promoting equitable decision-making; and (ii) strengthen their capacity to access climate finance such as the Adaptation Fund’s Direct Access modality for supporting local level adaptation initiatives, and through the ADB administered Community Resilience Partnership Program (CRPP).
Below, you will find the workshop presentations:
- Day 1-2 Overview presentation on LLA – Sejal Patel ADB
- DAY 1-3 Discussion on LLA Approach (Adaptation Fund LLA) – Silvia Mancini AF
- DAY 1-4 About CRPP – Nisha Krishnan ADB
- DAY 1-5 Adaptation Fund Modalities – Saliha Dobardzic AF
- DAY 2-1 AF Access and Accreditation – Dima Reda AF
- DAY 2-2 AF Access and Accreditation Designated Authority – Silvia Mancini AF
- DAY 2-4 Designing and Applying for LLA program – Nisha Krishnan ADB
14 March 2024- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar# 17
The Adaptation Fund (AF) through its Readiness programme hosted the 17th Webinar on 14 March 2024, to discuss the topic, evaluation framework and integrating evaluation throughout the project life cycle.
The webinar discussed the steps to be taken at the proposal development and midterm stage, how to prepare for and conduct a final evaluation, and the importance of monitoring and reporting for supporting the evaluation activities. It facilitated peer-to-peer exchange and lesson sharing among NIEs on monitoring and reporting on compliance with the Fund’s ESP improved monitoring and reporting practices.
Below, you will find the webinar presentations:
- Guidance on applying the Fund’s Evaluation Policy during proposal preparation
- Policy relevance for IE project performance reporting during mid-term evaluations
- Guidance on Final Evaluation under the Evaluation Policy
21-23 February 2024- CPDAE Annual Meeting, Yerevan, Armenia
Events in Calendar Year 2023
22 November 2023- Webinar on Introduction to AF Evaluation Policy
The Adaptation Fund hosted a webinar on the Introduction to the AF Evaluation Policy and its implications to the implementing entities, on 22 November 2023. The new Evaluation Policy of the Adaptation Fund is a Fund-wide policy that came into effect in October 2023 and replaced the Evaluation Framework. The purpose of the Evaluation Policy is to identify the fundamental expectations, processes, and protocols to support a reliable, useful, and ethical evaluation function that contributes to learning, decision-making, and accountability for the Adaptation Fund.
Below, you will find the webinar presentations:
- Understanding the role of the Evaluation Policy (EP)
- Relevance of the policy to IE project/programme proposal submission
- Policy relevance for IE project performance reporting including mid-term and terminal evaluations
- Preparing and managing an evaluation and available guidance and Role of ex-post evaluations
9 November 2023- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #16
The Adaptation Fund (AF) through its Readiness programme hosted the 16th Webinar on 9 December 2023, to discuss the topic, Environmental and Social Policy requirements during post project approval.
The webinar discussed the Fund’s requirements for reporting on the ESP during project implementation and will share insights on issues that entities should consider when reporting on the implementation of E&S safeguards in line with the Fund’s ESP. It facilitated peer-to-peer exchange and lesson sharing among NIEs on monitoring and reporting on compliance with the Fund’s ESP improved monitoring and reporting practices.
Below, you will find the webinar presentations:
7 November 2023- Webinar on Key updates from the Decisions of the 41st Adaptation Fund Board meeting
The Adaptation Fund hosted a webinar to share key updates from the decisions of the 41st Adaptation Fund Board meeting and its implications to the implementing entities, on 7 November 2023.
Below, you will find the webinar presentations:
- Overview of outcomes of the 41st Board Meeting
- Understanding the process of the rolling-basis submission
- Important changes and clarification on the cost and fees
12-15 September 2023- Annual NIE Seminar in the Dominican Republic
The Adaptation Fund (AF)’s 2023 Annual National Implementing Entity (NIE) Seminar kicked off from September 12-15 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic with more than 60 participants. For four days, participants from AF together with the Fund’s 32 NIEs across the globe and their projects’ executing entities discussed monitoring and evaluation of ecosystem-based interventions/adaptation actions, enhancing access to climate finance under the AF new funding windows, mainstreaming of environmental, social, and gender issues in adaptation projects and programmes, AF project Innovations, and, project performance report submissions.
23 NIEs participated and shared their experiences during the Annual NIE Seminar.
Below, you will find the workshop presentations, along with a graphic representation of all the AF funding windows in once place that was presented during the seminar:
- Overview of the Medium-Term Strategy
- Accessing funding for adaptation projects and programmes
- Status of the independent review of ESP and gender mainstreaming in
adaptation projects and programmes - Capacity building and other small grants under AF
- Monitoring, reporting and evaluation of AF funded projects
- Communications and outreach
- CPDAE action plan implementation
- Overview of the re-accreditation process
- AF Fiduciary Standards and AML/CFT
- Innovation in Adaptation
- Locally Led Adaptation- Adaptation Consortium
24 May 2023- Webinar on Gender
The Adaptation Fund (AF) through its Readiness programme hosted the Gender Webinar on 24 May 2023, to discuss the topic, Gender-responsive project/programme design and implementation reporting. The Gender Webinar aimed to provide participants with technical tools and good practices to ensure compliance with AF GP and the integration of a gender-responsive approach in project/programme design and implementation reporting. Additionally, it facilitated peer-to-peer exchange through working groups and lesson sharing among NIEs on the challenges and opportunities they have faced in implementing a gender-responsive approach within their projects.
Gender Webinar Repor
Below, you will find the workshop presentations:
9-11 May 2023- Enhanced Direct Access Workshop in Kigali, Rwanda
The Adaptation Fund Board secretariat (the secretariat) facilitated a climate finance readiness workshop on Enhanced Direct Access in Kigali, Rwanda from 9-11 May 2023. The workshop provided a platform for countries to share and exchange lessons, knowledge, and experiences in the programming of EDA funding, in order to boost confidence as well as encourage the programming of climate finance through EDA. It is expected that NIEs who access the EDA funding window would be able to submit clear, complete and concise proposals that align with the objectives of EDA as a funding modality, and that result in enhanced locally led climate resilience and adaptation action. The workshop focused on the EDA funding window and the project review process and seeked to enhance understanding of the readiness support available for EDA and the EDA implementation models.
23 NIEs participated and shared their experiences during the EDA workshop.
Below, you will find the workshop presentations and the report:
- Defining EDA under the Adaptation Fund
- Adaptation Rationale in Projects
- Readiness Support for EDA
- Gender Considerations for EDA Project
- Theory of Change log frame
- EDA Template and Access Criteria for EDA Grants
- SANBI, South Africa Flowchart
- MCT, Micronesia Flowchart
- Fundecooperacion, Costa Rica
- MoE, Rwanda EDA model
- Rwanda Green Fund
- Requirements for ESP and Guidance for USPs
24 April 2023- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #15
The Adaptation Fund (AF) through its Readiness programme hosted the 15th Webinar on 24 April 2023, to discuss the topic, Climate change reasoning for adaptation project development. The webinar discussed the Fund’s approach to adaptation reasoning and the lessons that can be learnt from previous project submissions. It facilitated peer-to-peer exchange and lesson sharing among NIEs on the approaches they have used, and best practice applied across different geographic regions on project design and development that is based on evidence and data collected through assessments, studies and other observations of vulnerability due to adverse climate impacts, including the options to address such vulnerabilities
Below, you will find the webinar presentations:
- Adaptation reasoning criteria in AF Projects
- Developing the theory of change and elaborating a logical framework
Events in Calendar Year 2022
8 December 2022- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #14
The Adaptation Fund (AF) through its Readiness programme hosted the 14th Webinar on 8 December 2022, to discuss the topic, Distilling the characteristics of Enhanced Direct Access and Innovation Project design in Adaptation. This webinar discussed the key features that distinguish EDA and innovation projects from regular adaptation projects and will share experiences and learning from proposals approved by the Adaptation Fund Board under the afore-mentioned funding windows
Below, you will find the webinar presentations:
- Accessing finance from the Adaptation Fund
- Key Elements of Enhanced Direct Access and Innovation Projects
- Rolling Basis Submission
7 December 2022- Webinar on Accreditation
The Adaptation Fund, through its Readiness Programme hosted a webinar on accreditation and and re-accreditation with the Fund to increase Direct Access to climate finance by developing countries. The workshop sought to enhance understanding on the Fund’s accreditation process and criteria among developing countries, navigating accreditation challenges and overview of the fiduciary standards and requirements.
Below, you will find the webinar presentations:
- Overview of AF Accreditation Process and Requirements
- Readiness Package: Access and Application
- Accreditation challenges, gaps and lessons learnt from accredited Implementing Entities
- The AF accreditation and fiduciary standards and requirements
26-30 September 2022 – Annual NIE seminar in Washington, D.C, USA
The Adaptation Fund (AF)’s 9th Annual National Implementing Entity (NIE) Seminar kicked off from September 26-30 in Washington, D.C with more than 60 participants. For five days, participants from AF together with the Fund’s 34 NIEs across the globe and their projects’ executing entities discussed the Fund’s expanded funding windows offering additional finance in project scale-up, innovation, learning and Enhanced Direct Access, the updated gender guidance document, proposal development, reaccreditation, the next Medium-Term Strategy (MTS) and the community of practice for direct access entities.
25 NIEs participated and shared their experiences during the Annual NIE Seminar.
Below, you will find the workshop presentations, along with a graphic representation of all the AF funding windows in once place that was presented during the seminar:
AF Funding Windows Graphic Representation
Annual NIE Seminar Summary Video
Day 1
- Overview of Re-accreditation process
- Overview of AF Portfolio
- Overview of Readiness Programme
- Scale-up Grant: Access Criteria and Application
- MoE, Rwanda: Scale-Up Access and application
- Overview of CPDAE
- Updated Gender Guidance document
Day 2
- Overview of Programming Opportunities
- General Updates on Programming
- Innovation Grants: Access Criteria and Application
- EDA Grants: Access Criteria and Application
- How to prepare Letters of Endorsements
Day 3
- Results Based Management in the Adaptation Fund
- Learning Grants: Access Criteria and Application
- Communication at the AF
Day 4
- The Next Medium-Term Strategy and the Way Forward
- Discussing the new Adaptation Fund Evaluation Policy with the AF-TERG
- Discussing ex Post Evaluations with the AF-TERG
21-24 June 2022- Enhanced Direct Access Workshop in Costa Rica
The Adaptation Fund in cooperation with Fundecooperación para el Desarrollo Sostenible hosted a three-day international workshop on Enhanced Direct Access in Costa Rica, from 21 to 23 June. The workshop provided a platform for countries to share and exchange lessons, knowledge and experiences in the programming of climate adaptation finance, and the development of adaptation projects and encourage the programming of climate finance through Direct Access. The workshop, while focusing on EDA, also offered an overview and recent updates on some of the other more recently established modalities available through Direct Access, namely innovation. The workshop also seeked to enhance understanding on the Fund’s re-accreditation process among developing countries, and discuss the common gaps and challenges identified with respect to accreditation of a second entity.
27 NIEs participated and shared their experiences during the EDA workshop.
Below, you will find the workshop presentations:
- Overview of Access Criteria for EDA grants
- Overview of AF Accreditation process and requirements for second NIE
- Readiness Package Grant: Access and Application
- AF Re-accreditation process
- Post-Accreditation Readiness grants
- Overview of Access Criteria for Innovation grants
9 June 2022- Webinar on Accreditation
The Adaptation Fund, through its Readiness Programme hosted a webinar on accreditation and accreditation of a second NIE with the Fund to increase Direct Access to climate finance by developing countries. The workshop sought to enhance understanding on the Fund’s accreditation process and criteria among developing countries, and discussed the common gaps and challenges, as well as requirements for the accreditation of a second NIE from a country.
3 NIEs (ADA-Morocco, EPIU-Armenia and FIRCA- Cote d’Ivoire) gave presentations and shared their experiences on the AF Accreditation process.
Below, you will find the webinar presentations:
- Overview of AF Accreditation process and requirements for second NIE
- Readiness Package Grant: Access and Application
- Lessons learnt from accredited Implementing Entities
- AF Accreditation Criteria and compliance with ESP and GP
Events in Calendar Year 2021
9 December 2021- Webinar#13 on Enhancing Access to Climate Finance under the AF new Funding Windows
The Adaptation Fund (AF) through its Readiness programme hosted the 13th Webinar on 9 December 2021, to discuss the topic, Enhancing Access to Climate Finance under the AF new Funding Windows. The webinar shared experiences and learnings from NIEs that have already accessed the funding windows and engaged participants in discussion with the AF Secretariat on improving access.
3 NIEs (EPIU- Armenia, PACT- Belize and CSE- Senegal) shared their experiences on accessing climate finance under the AF new funding windows.
Below, you will find the webinar presentations:
- Overview of Access Criteria for the Innovation (Large and Small) Grant
- NIE experiences in Accessing the Innovation Small Grant- EPIU, Armenia
- Overview of Access Criteria for the Readiness Package Grant
- Overview of Access Criteria for the Enhanced Direct Access (EDA) Grant
- NIE experiences in Accessing Enhanced Direct Access (EDA) Grant- PACT, Belize
- Overview of Access Criteria for the Project Scale-Up Grant
- Overview of Access Criteria for the Learning Grant
- NIE experiences in Accessing the Learning Grant- CSE, Senegal
22-23 November 2021- Workshop on Innovation in Adaptation
In order to accelerate, encourage and enable innovation for effective, long-term adaptation to climate change, the Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat through its Readiness Programme hosted a workshop on Innovation in Adaptation. The virtual workshop discussed examples of types of innovation, clarity around the innovation process or pathway, and the different stages into which a proposal can fit.
3 NIEs (AGCID- Chile, IDDI-Dominican Republic and DoE-Antigua and Barbuda) shared their experiences on the AF Innovation process.
Below, you will find the webinar presentations:
- Strategic Overview of AF Innovation Priorities
- Inspiration from AFCIA Representative-UNDP
- Information Talk: Types of Innovation and Innovation Pathways
- Accessing AF Innovation Grants
- Inspiration from AFCIA Representative- CTCN/UNEP
9 September 2021- Workshop on Accreditation and Re-accreditation
The Adaptation Fund, through its Readiness Programme hosted a workshop on accreditation and Re-accreditation with the Fund to increase Direct Access to climate finance by developing countries. The workshop sought to enhance understanding on the Fund’s accreditation and re-accreditation process among developing countries, and discussed the common gaps and challenges identified in the AF Bridging the Gaps in Accreditation Report, 2020.
2 NIEs (PKSF-Bangladesh and CASM-Honduras) gave presentations and shared their experiences on the AF Accreditation process.
Below, you will find the webinar presentations:
- Overview of AF Accreditation process and requirements plus reaccreditation snapshot
- Readiness Package Grant: Access and Application
- Accreditation challenges, gaps and lessons learnt from accredited Implementing Entities
17,19 and 24 August 2021 – Adaptation Fund 2021 NIE Virtual Country Exchange Visit in India
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the third country exchange was held as a virtual event jointly with the Adaptation Fund and the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) of India which is the accredited NIE for India on 17, 19 and 24 August 2021. The themes of Food Security was selected by the secretariat based on NIE responses to a survey that was administered by the secretariat ahead of the country exchange. In general, the objective of country exchange visits under the Readiness Programme is to enhance the accredited NIEs’ capacity for project design, development and implementation by facilitating interaction and engagement with project stakeholders, and facilitation of benchmarking for these NIEs towards an Adaptation Fund project within a sector or model of interest.
Please find more information on the second country exchange below:
Country exchange on: Food Security
3-5 August 2021- 2021 Global Annual NIE Seminar
The Adaptation Fund (AF)’s 8th annual National Implementing Entity (NIE) seminar kicked off on August 3 virtually with more than 75 participants including executing entities for the first time. For three days, participants from AF together with the Fund’s 34 NIEs across the globe and their projects’ executing entities discussed the Fund’s expanded funding windows offering additional finance in project scale-up, innovation, learning and Enhanced Direct Access. They also shared experiences and lessons in project design, implementation, review and monitoring, readiness, accreditation/reaccreditation and accessing AF’s existing and new resources for countries that are vulnerable to climate change.
The seminar concluded with a Knowledge Fair on the last day, where several NIEs shared experiences and best practices from their AF-funded projects as well as opportunities for scaling them up or replicating them to extend their sustainability and reach in the vulnerable communities they serve and beyond.
Below, you will find the seminar presentations:
- Readiness Package Grant: Access and Application
- AF Re-Accreditation Process
- Innovation at the Adaptation Fund
- AF Learning Grants
- Community of Practice for Direct Access Entities
- Readiness Programme for Climate Finance
- Window for Enhanced Direct Access
15 July 2021- Webinar on Climate Finance Access and Accreditation
The Adaptation Fund, through its Readiness Programme hosted a webinar on accessing climate finance and obtaining accreditation with the Fund to increase Direct Access to climate finance by developing countries. The webinar aimed to strengthen knowledge and understanding of the Fund’s accreditation and re-accreditation processes and discuss challenges and gaps faced by developing countries in accessing adaptation finance from the Fund, as well as possible solutions to address these.
3 NIEs (BFTEC- Bhutan, FIRCA-Cote d’Ivoire and CASM-Honduras) gave presentations and shared their experiences on the AF Accreditation process.
Below, you will find the webinar presentations:
- Overview of AF Accreditation process (regular, streamlined and fast track accreditation process and eligibility criteria)
- Accreditation challenges, gaps and lessons learnt from the AFB secretariat
- The AF e-Learning course on direct access
- Adaptation Fund’s Readiness Programme (readiness support for accreditation)
- BFTEC-Bhutan
- FIRCA-Cote d’Ivoire
- CASM-Honduras
29 June 2021- Regional Workshop on Direct Access and Project Development for Asia and East Europe
The Adaptation Fund, through its Readiness Programme hosted the regional webinar for Asia-Pacific and East Europe focusing on project development and Direct Access to adaptation finance. The webinar took place on 29 June 2021 as a 2-hour online session. The Asia-Pacific and East Europe regional webinar aimed to strengthen the knowledge of developing countries and raise awareness in the Asia-Pacific and East Europe regions on the Adaptation Fund project development process and project life cycle.
3 NIEs (KEMITRAAN- Indonesia, NABARD- India and MFEM-Cook Islands) gave presentations and shared their experiences on the adaptation approaches through Direct Access in the Asia-Pacific region.
Below, you will find the webinar presentations:
- Portfolio Development: Project Cycle and Review Criteria
- Project/Programme Monitoring and Evaluation during Implementation
- Readiness Programme for Climate Finance
- KEMITRAAN- Indonesia
- MFEM- Cook Islands
- NABARD- India
25 March 2021- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #12
The twelfth Adaptation Fund Readiness Webinar took take place on 25 March 2021. The webinar discussed the topic: Understanding Project Review Criteria and Vulnerability Assessment in Preparation of Project Activities.
6 NIEs (ADA- Morocco, SANBI- South Africa, EPIU- Armenia, MCT- Micronesia, IDDI- Dominican Republic and NEMC- Tanzania) gave presentations and shared their experiences on the Adaptation Fund’s project review criteria based on the Fund’s Operational Policies and Guidelines (OPGs) and facilitated peer to peer exchange and lesson sharing through roundtable discussions on the approaches they have used and best practice applied across different geographic regions on project design and development that is based on evidence and data collected through assessments, studies and other observations of vulnerability due to adverse climate impacts, including the options to address such vulnerabilities.
Below, you will find the agenda of the webinar and related speaker presentations:
- AF project review criteria and assessments to support full project development
- ADA-Morocco
- SANBI-South Africa
- EPIU-Armenia
- NEMC-Tanzania
Events in Calendar Year 2020
30 November-10 December 2020- Adaptation Fund 2020 NIE Virtual Country Exchange Visit in Senegal
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the second country exchange was held as a virtual event jointly with the Adaptation Fund and the Centre de Suivi Ecologique (CSE) which is the accredited NIE for Senegal on 30 November, 3 and 10 December 2020. The combined themes of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Coastal Zone Management were selected by the secretariat based on NIE responses to a survey that was administered by the secretariat ahead of the country exchange. In general, the objective of country exchange visits under the Readiness Programme is to enhance the accredited NIEs’ capacity for project design, development and implementation by facilitating interaction and engagement with project stakeholders, and facilitation of benchmarking for these NIEs towards an Adaptation Fund project within a sector or model of interest.
Please find more information on the second country exchange below:
Country exchange on: Disaster Risk Reduction and Coastal Zone Management
10-11 November 2020- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #11
The eleventh Adaptation Fund Readiness Webinar took take place on 10 November 2020 and was repeated on 11 November 2020 to accommodate NIEs located in different time zone. The webinar discussed the topic: Climate change adaptation reasoning to support project development and assessing broader vulnerabilities.
Over the course of the 2 days, 6 NIEs (NEMC- Tanzania, MoWE- Uganda, IDDI- Dominican Republic, MCT- Micronesia, BTFEC- Bhutan and MFEM- Cook Islands) gave presentations and shared their experiences on approaches to adaptation reasoning during project design and development and how the COVID-19 pandemic had impacted the conceptualization of adaptation reasoning and the context in which adaptation rationale is or will be presented in projects and programmes. The webinar also touched on how adaptation is defined by the Fund and expectations for adequately addressing the adaptation reasoning criteria.
Below, you will find the agenda of the webinar and related speaker presentations:
- Session 1: How adaptation is defined by the AF and expectations for adequately addressing the adaptation reasoning criteria
- Session 2: NIE experiences discussing project design, preparation and development experiences in the context of the pandemic
3 and 5 November 2020- 2020 Virtual Workshop on Bridging the gaps in Accessing Adaptation Finance- Lessons from the Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat, Accreditation Panel and Accredited Entities
The Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat (the secretariat) hosted a virtual global workshop to support developing countries access the Fund’s resources and increase their resilience to climate change through concrete projects and programmes that are country-driven, based on country needs and that benefit the most vulnerable communities impacted by adverse climate impacts, on 3 and 5 November 2020.
The objective of the workshop was to enhance understanding on the AF accreditation process among developing countries that are yet to have national implementing entities or that have just started the process (prior to submission) and aspire to seek accreditation with the Adaptation Fund, and to introduce and encourage them to take ‘AF’s e-learning course on accreditation’. The workshop also served to further address main mitigating factors to close the gaps and accreditation, used a peer-to-peer learning approach and open dialogue to include case studies from AF accredited NIEs on lessons learnt and interaction with the Fund’s accreditation and climate finance readiness teams.
Below, you will find the agenda of the meeting and related speaker presentations:
- Session 1: Overview of AF and access modalities
- Session 2: Overview of the AF Accreditation process
- Session 3: Overview of the main mitigating factors to close the gaps and accreditation
- Session 4: Introduction to the AF E-learning course
- Session 5: Readiness support for accreditation
- Session 6: Lessons learned on accreditation
1-3 September 2020- 2020 Global Annual NIE Seminar
The Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat (the secretariat) hosted the seventh annual global Climate Finance Readiness Seminar for its accredited National Implementing Entities (NIEs), from 1-3 September 2020. Held virtually on Zoom for the first time, most of Adaptation Fund’s 32 NIEs were among nearly 60 attendees, along with the Technical Evaluation Reference Group (AF-TERG) which was newly established by the Adaptation Fund Board (the Board) to carry out independent evaluation functions. The seminar brings together the Adaptation Fund’s national implementing entities under its pioneering Direct Access modality, which builds country ownership in adapting and building resilience to climate change, to share best practices and lessons learned. The objective of the seminar was to facilitate a forum where the NIEs could engage in discussions sharing project successes & lessons, responses to Covid-19, reaccreditation best practices, as well as project scale-up, innovation & learning grants. The meeting also served to further learning through the Community of Practice for Direct Access Entities (CPDAE).
Below, you will find the agenda of the meeting, the seminar report and related speaker presentations:
Day 1
- Session 1: Restructuring ongoing projects in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic without affecting the original adaptation objectives
- Session 2: AF guidance and discussion on submitting requests for changes to budget, activities, indicators and other project elements
- Session 3: Reaccreditation and NIE reorganization
Day 2
- Session 1: Projects’ achievements
- Session 2
Day 3
- Session 1: Notification of open windows for AF small grants on innovation, learning, project scale-up and readiness grants for the 2020 calendar year
- Session 2: Scaling-up of project activities
- Session 3: NIE experiences on scaling-up AF projects
- Session 4: Launch of training on Innovation
22-23 April – Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #10
The tenth Adaptation Fund Readiness Webinar took take place on 22 April 2020 and was repeated on 23 April 2020 to accommodate NIEs located in Asia and the Pacific. The webinar discussed the topic: Managing project extensions through adaptive management during project implementation.
Over the course of the 2 days 4 NIEs (AGCI-Chile, MoE-Rwanda, NABARD-India and MOPIC-Jordan) gave presentations and shared their experiences on the factors that cause delays in project implementation resulting in the need for project extensions, the possible ways of addressing the causes of project delays, and the lessons that can be learnt from their experiences. The webinar also touched on expected project delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic which presented an additional risk to communities and project implementation. A key aspect of the discussions was that addressing climate vulnerability and impacts remained urgent in the midst of the pandemic which presented additional risks as well as some opportunities in the fight against climate change.
Click on the links below to read the webinar report and the speakers’ presentations:
- AF policy on project/programme delays
- AF perspectives on project delays and requests for extensions
- NIE experiences with project delays and extensions:
Events in Calendar Year 2019
24 October 2019- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #9
The Adaptation Fund hosted the ninth climate finance readiness webinar for its accredited national implementing entities (NIEs). The webinar focused on the topic of evidence-based interventions – assessing vulnerability and feasibility for sustained local-level resilience.
The webinar discussed how evidence from vulnerability assessments, feasibility studies, research and other sources can be used to inform interventions that enhance resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change. Examples of how evidence has been used to inform project development and scaling-up opportunities by NIEs were at the center of discussions.
This included peer-peer exchange of best practices in undertaking vulnerability assessments (VAs), feasibility studies (FSs), and other studies that impacted the development of informed project proposals and the effective identification of vulnerabilities, project risks and subsequent solutions to address these.
Below, you will find the webinar report and the speakers’ presentations:
2-3 September 2019- Accreditation Training Workshop at the UNFCCC Asia-Pacific Climate Week, Bangkok, Thailand
The Adaptation Fund convened nearly 20 developing country representatives from Asia and the Pacific in a training workshop to enhance access to adaptation funding within the region through the Fund’s Direct Access modality.
The workshop coincided with the 2019 Asia Pacific Climate Week (APCW), which is part of a regional climate week series organized by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and Nairobi Framework Partnership targeted at raising climate ambition and action around the Paris Agreement, UN Climate Summit in New York in late September and COP 25 in Chile in December.
The workshop used a peer-to-peer learning approach and open dialogue to include case studies and interaction with the Fund’s accreditation and climate finance readiness teams.
Below, you will find the agenda of the meeting, the workshop report and related presentations:
REPORT: Regional Accreditation Workshop
- Session 1: Adaptation Fund (AF) access modalities and accreditation options
- Session 2: Understanding accreditation gaps and challenges in the region – experience sharing by entities
- Session 3: Overview of Readiness and capacity building support pre and post accreditation
- Session 4: The AF Designated Authority – Roles and responsibilities
- Session 5: Case Study – Selecting a suitable candidate NIE
- Session 6: Understanding AF fiduciary standards – Financial integrity and management
- Session 7: Understanding AF fiduciary standards – Institutional capacity
- Session 8: Understanding AF fiduciary standards – Transparency, Self-Investigative Powers, Anti-Corruption Measures, and Mechanism to Address E&S and Gender Complaints
- Session 9: Overview of accreditation steps and governing bodies involved in the Regular Accreditation process
5-9 August 2019- Climate Finance Readiness Seminar #6, Saint John’s, Antigua and Barbuda
The sixth Climate Finance Readiness Seminar for national implementing entities (NIEs) of the Adaptation Fund (AF) was held on 5-9 August in Saint John’s, Antigua and Barbuda. The Adaptation Fund’s accredited entities that are implementing adaptation projects, partner organizations and other stakeholders gathered together to share knowledge and practices of the adaptation finance. The seminar also included a field visit to several project sites in Antigua.
Below, you will find the agenda of the meeting and related presentations:
REPORT: Climate Finance Readiness Seminar
- Session 1
- Session 3
- Session 4
- Session 8
19 June 2019- Side-event on the margins of the 50th session of the subsidiary bodies (SB50): Enhancing the Delivery of Readiness and Capacity Building Support for Climate Change Adaptation
The Adaptation Fund Board (AFB) secretariat, Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), and the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB) have partnered to bring together organizations that are providing readiness and capacity-building support for adaptation at a side-event on the margins of the 50th sessions of the subsidiary bodies (SB50) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Bonn, Germany. The side-event will take place on Wednesday, 19 June 2019.
The side-event will provide an opportunity for organizations providing readiness and capacity-building support to enhance adaptation action in developing countries to provide input into development of the bulletin for providers of readiness and capacity-building for adaptation which will be launched at the 25th Conference of the Parties (COP25) in Santiago, Chile. The bulletin will provide information from the organizations providing such support, to developing country Parties to the UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement, including the type of readiness and capacity-building support available and how Parties can access the support. In addition, there will be a general discussion on how delivery of readiness and capacity-building support can be enhanced. The AFB secretariat/CTCN/PCCB partnership also intends to promote collaboration, partnerships and complementarity in the delivery of readiness and capacity-building support which in turn could strengthen the quality of technical assistance and other forms of support delivered to developing countries to enhance the programming of adaptation finance and implementation of resilience activities on the ground.
For the full agenda of the event, please click here.
5-7 June 2019- The Community of Practice for Direct Access Entities (CPDAE) holds first face-to-face meeting in Durban, South Africa
The Community of Practice for Direct Access Entities (CPDAE) is an initiative conceived by accredited national implementing entities (NIEs) of the Adaptation Fund (AF) and direct access entities (DAEs) of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to provide an avenue for knowledge exchange, learning and experience sharing, collaboration and peer support within the community of NIEs and DAEs involved in the programming of climate change adaptation and mitigation finance. The community seeks to increase the effectiveness of entities in accessing resources and implementing adaptation and mitigation projects and programs through Direct Access. The CPDAE is led and driven by the entities themselves with support from the AF and GCF as well as other partners such as the African Development Bank’s Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF) who have provided financial and in-kind support for establishment of the community. The CPDAE held its first face-to-face meeting from 5-7 June 2019 in Durban, South Africa at which it validated and finalized the Governance framework of the community; and developed an action plan to address gaps and challenges identified by the entities so as to enhance the capacity of NIEs and DAEs to access and programme climate finance.
Below, you will find the agenda of the meeting and related presentations:
5-11 May 2019- Adaptation Fund and National Implementing Partner AGCID host country learning exchange in Chile
As part of its robust ongoing activities to share lessons and experiences from adaptation projects in the field, the Adaptation Fund (AF) facilitated a ‘Country Exchange’ in Chile, partnering with its accredited national implementing partner in the country, the Agencia Chilena de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AGCID).
Including AGCID, the five-day exchange brought together 12 AF-accredited national implementing entities (NIEs) from around the world to visit firsthand the AF-funded adaptation project in Chile that is implemented by AGCID to help small rural farmers in the vulnerable dry O’Higgins region adapt and build resilience to climate variation, water scarcity and climate change that impacts the cattle, crops, water and soils they depend on.
25 April 2019- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #8
The Adaptation Fund hosted the eighth climate finance readiness webinar for its accredited national implementing entities (NIEs). The webinar continued and advanced the conversation on the topic of Knowledge Management (KM) systems and products, specifically how different NIEs, MIEs and the private sector manage KM within their organizations.
KM experiences from 2 NIEs (AGCID Chile and PIOJ Jamaica) were detailed and shared with the audience, including arrangements and support for KM under the AF, while Rita Kumar shared her vast experience as a KM expert. Key take-home messages from the webinar: consider a holistic approach and establish a KM process at the institutional level, leverage tools and systems already in place, improve visibility and communication of knowledge products, and learning and sharing should include internal and external dissemination of institutional and project-level experience.”
Below, you will find the webinar report, the press release and the speakers’ presentations:
- Simplifying KM systems and K products for the developing world
- KM under the Adaptation Fund
- Experience from NIEs with KM systems:
18-19 March 2019- Regional Climate Finance Readiness Workshop, Accra, Ghana
The Adaptation Fund (AF) hosted representatives from 9 countries from Central Africa, including civil society representing the Adaptation Fund NGO network, for a regional workshop held on March 18-19 in Accra, Ghana to promote access to Adaptation Finance, through the Fund’s Direct Access modality, and to develop effective adaptation projects. Discussions focused on familiarizing country focal points and candidate national implementing entity (NIE) representatives with the AF fiduciary requirements for accreditation, project proposal submission and review process, and familiarization with AF policies and procedures, including its Direct Access modality and its environmental and social policy (ESP) and gender policy (GP).
The workshop took place on the margins of the UN Africa Climate Week 2019 which is under the auspices of the Nairobi Framework Partnership that supports developing countries in preparing and implementing their plans to address climate change under the Paris Climate Change Agreement.
- Workshop Agenda
- Adaptation Fund Readiness Program Officer Farayi Madziwa interviewed by UNU Institute for Natural Resources in Africa
REPORT: Regional Climate Finance Readiness Workshop
- Introduction to the AF
- Readiness support programme
- Accreditation, Access to AF resources
- Accreditation Standards and Capacity Building Gaps
- AF Project funding cycle
- Meeting the Project Review Criteria
- Monitoring project performance
Events in Calendar Year 2018
25 October 2018- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #7
The Adaptation Fund hosted the seventh climate finance readiness webinar for its accredited national implementing entities (NIEs). The webinar provided guidance on the topic of change, specifically how to manage change in adaptation projects/programmes during project implementation.
At its twenty-ninth meeting, the Adaptation Fund Board (the Board), decided to consolidate all its previous decisions related to requests for direct project services, requests for material change, and requests for revision of original activity/output/outcome and/or associated indicators and targets into a new annex which it subsequently approved at its thirtieth meeting as annex seven of the Operational Policies and Guidelines (OPGs) related to project/programme implementation.
In general, the need for changes in a climate change project, which may be as minor as modifying an activity, to changing an entire project’s design, could be triggered by internal factors (such as poorly conducted vulnerability, safeguards or other assessments, technical feasibility studies, and logical gaps among activities in the project design), external factors (such as changes in the country’s policy framework or other adaptation initiatives, changes in foreign exchange rates, and unexpected situations such as natural catastrophes), or both. Therefore, while changes in a project/programme can be an undesirable aspect of project/programme management, particularly change due to internal factors, it is useful to gain better understanding of possible triggers and to share experiences and knowledge on how to foster long-term adaptive management for change that cannot be prevented or averted.
Below, you will find the webinar report, the press release and the speakers’ presentations:
- Annex 7 to the Operational Policy and Guidelines
- Experiences from NIEs: managing change in projects / programmes
28-31 August 2018- Climate Finance Readiness Seminar #5, Washington D.C.
The fifth Climate Finance Readiness Seminar for national implementing entities (NIEs) of the Adaptation Fund (AF) was held in 28-31 August in Washington DC. The Adaptation Fund’s accredited entities that are implementing adaptation projects, partner organizations and other stakeholders gathered together to share knowledge and practices of the adaptation finance. The seminar also included a field visit to local resilience project stream restoration sites coordinated by the Washington, D.C. government.
REPORT : Climate Finance Readiness Seminar
- Session 2: Adaptation Fund Medium Term Strategy
- Session 3: Re-accreditation
- Session 4: Effective Media Outreach for resilience building
- Session 5: Project Development
- Session 6: Stakeholder management and communication processes
- Session 7: ESGP
- Session 8: Monitoring and reporting adaptation activities
- Session 10: Readiness and Capacity Building
- Session 11: Learning grants
- Session 12: AF and GCF complementarity
- Session 13: Strengthening resilience through bilateral engagements and aligning with national priorities
- Session 14: NIE community of practice
- Session 15: Innovation in adaptation
- Role of innovation in adaptation and engaging the private sector – Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
- Innovation and technologies for enhancing local resilience – Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)
19 April 2018- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #6
The Adaptation Fund hosted the sixth climate finance readiness webinar for its accredited national implementing entities (NIEs). The webinar provided guidance on mainstreaming environmental, social and gender issues in adaptation projects, especially focusing on the project proposal phase.
- Introduction
- Completing ESP and Gender sections in the project proposal template
- Experiences from NIEs: Mainstreaming Environmental and Social and Gender issues in Adaptation Projects
4-6 April 2018- Readiness Workshop on Accreditation and the Readiness Support Package, Nairobi, Kenya
The one-year pilot ‘Readiness Package’ was launched at a workshop held April 4-6 in Nairobi, Kenya. The Adaptation Fund co-hosted the workshop with its NIE for Kenya, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA).The workshop gathered representatives from over 20 select developing countries, including 13 countries that have expressed a strong interest to progress further in the accreditation application process, as well as 11 NIEs already accredited with the Fund that are eligible to provide south-south peer support through the Fund’s South-South cooperation grants.
- Updates from the Adaptation Fund
- Overview and launch of Readiness Support Package
- Accreditation process overview
- Overview of the AF project/programme cycle
- Understanding the project template: Stakeholder engagement: Introduction & Case study
- Overviewe of Environmental and Social Policy and Gender Policy of the AF
Events in Calendar Year 2017
7 December 2017- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #5
The fifth Adaptation Fund webinar for its National Implementing Entities tackled the evaluation of Adaptation Fund projects with a specific focus on mid-term evaluation and final/terminal evaluation.
- Farayi Madziwa, AFB secretariat: Introduction
- Martina Dorigo & Cristina Dengel, AFB secretariat
- UCAR, Argentina: Mid-term review
- CSE, Senegal: Final evaluation
24-25 October 2017- Climate Finance Readiness Workshop for the Caribbean Region, Barbados
The Adaptation Fund convened 15 countries from across the Caribbean in Barbados to share knowledge and best practices in developing and implementing effective adaptation projects. The Readiness workshop, which took place October 24-25 in Wildey, was co-hosted with the Caribbean Development Bank, an accredited regional implementing entity of the Adaptation Fund. The workshop covered all aspects of the Adaptation Fund project cycle – from design, preparation and development to evaluation. It also discussed mainstreaming gender, environmental and social considerations into Fund projects.
- Seminar Report
- Press release October 23, 2017: Adaptation Fund Seminar in Caribbean Aimed at Enhancing Climate Finance Readiness and Project Development
- Photos from the workshop
- Adaptation Fund Status Update
- Climate Finance Readiness Programme
- Accreditation: Access to Adaptation Fund resources
- Overview of the AF project / programme cycle
- AF Environmental and Social Policy and Gender Policy
- Monitoring project performance
26 – 28 July 2017- Climate Finance Readiness Seminar for NIEs #4, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica
The Adaptation Fund brought its fourth NIE Seminar directly to the field, as it co-hosted the seminar in Costa Rica with Fundecooperación para el Desarrollo Sostenible, the Fund’s accredited National Implementing Entity. The seminar provided overviews of the AF programmes and developing strategies, the project development process, as well as accreditation and re-accreditation processes. The Environmental and Social Policy and Gender Policy were discussed, and a panel of NIEs provided country experiences in a peer-to-peer interactive format. The seminar included also a field visit to Fundecooperación’s AF-funded project site in San José.
- Seminar Report
- Photos from the Seminar
- Press release July 24, 2017: Annual NIE Seminar to Draw More Than 20 National Partners from Around Globe
- Workshop Agenda
- Recent Developments in the Adaptation Fund
- NIE Re-Accreditation – Process Overview
- Launch of the 2017 Readiness Grants
- Complying with the Environmental and Social Policy, the Gender Policy and lessons for NIEs
- Overview of the AF Project Performance Report
- Learning and sharing from international experience on tools and best practice in M&E
- Loreta Rufo, World Bank: PPCR results monitoring and reporting experience and lessons
- Dennis Bours, GEF: Experiences and lessons learned in the application of tools and approaches to monitoring and evaluation for adaptation projects: Part 1 Part 2
Documents and Handouts Related to the Presentations
- CIF: PPCR Monitoring and Reporting Toolkit
- Guidance Note: Why Climate Change and Adaptation M&E Is Challenging
- Good Practice Study on Principles for Indicator Development, Selection and Use in Climate Change Adaptation M&E
- Experiences and lessons learned in the application of tools and approaches to M&E for adaptation projects
30 May – June 1 2017- Climate Finance Readiness Workshop for Least Developed Countries, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Adaptation Fund convened more than 35 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) at a Climate Finance Readiness Workshop for LDCs in Ethiopia. The workshop was co-hosted with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation (MOFEC).
- Workshop Report
- Press release May 30, 2017: Adaptation Fund Workshop in Ethiopia Aimed at Increasing Climate Finance Access for Least Developed Countries
- Workshop Agenda
- Adaptation Fund: Global positioning in the climate finance landscape
- Access to Adaptation Fund resources: Project funding cycle
- Climate Finance Readiness Programme
- National Adaptation Plan Global Support Programme
- National Planning and Preparation for Adaptation Finance in LDCs: Esther Nkomo, Zambia
- Accreditation: Access to Adaptation Fund resources
- Meeting the project review criteria
- Introduction to the Environmental and Social Policy and Gender Policy
- Implementing the Environmental and Social Policy and Gender Policy: an interactive exercise
- African Development Bank: Adaptation Finance in LDCs: Experiences and lessons learnt
- The Africa Climate Change Fund: Accessing other sources of readiness support
- The Climate Technology Center and Network (CTCN) and adaptation readiness support
13 May 2017- Meeting for Providers of Readiness Support for Adaptation
The Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat in partnership with the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) hosted a meeting with providers of readiness support for adaptation on the margins of the SB46 meetings in Bonn, Germany. The meeting agreed among other things, to continue coordination and communication between providers of readiness support for adaptation, and to continue further engagement of the issues discussed at the meeting and which were captured in the meeting report. Please view the meeting report for further details on the meeting.
20 April 2017- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #4
The fourth Readiness webinar on “Monitoring and Evaluation in Adaptation Projects and Programmes” brought together National Implementing Entities to share practical experiences on implementing the Results-Based Management (RBM) approach, and to discuss best practices for applying M&E in adaptation work.
- Daouda Ndiaye, Adaptation Fund: Monitoring project performance – AF Results-Based Management system
- Aïssata Boubou Sall, Centre de Suivi Ecologique, Senegal
- Carolina Reyes, Fundecooperación para el Desarrollo Sostenible, Costa Rica
- Emile Habimana, Ministry of Natural Resources, Rwanda
Events in Calendar Year 2016
27 October 2016- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #3
The third Readiness webinar focused on the topic “Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Gender Risks in Adaptation Projects”. The webinar was aimed at providing a practical approach for NIEs of the Fund to apply the environmental and social policy and the gender policy to their projects and programmes and to share best practices for implementing related safeguards.
- Farayi Madziwa, Adaptation Fund: Introduction
- Dirk Lamberts: Management of Environmental, Social and Gender Risks
- Mike Jennings: SANBI’s approach to Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Gender Risks in Adaptation Fund projects
- Sarah Muthoni Kamau: NEMA’s experiences in Handling Environment & Social Safeguards and Gender Risks in Adaptation Projects
6-8 September 2016- Climate Finance Readiness Workshop for the MENA region, Rabat, Morocco
The Adaptation Fund (AF) brought together some 50 participants from more than a dozen Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries for a workshop in Rabat, Morocco aimed at enhancing climate finance readiness and access for a region that is increasingly vulnerable to climate change and water scarcity. Co-sponsored by the Fund’s accredited National Implementing Entity for Morocco, the Agency for the Development of Agriculture (ADA), the workshop also served as a pivotal momentum-gathering point for countries on the road to COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco in early November.
- Workshop report (pdf)
- Press release September 6, 2016: AF Climate Finance Readiness Workshop in Morocco Brings Attention to Water Scarce MENA Region
- Introduction to the Adaptation Fund
- Accreditation Process and Criteria
- Climate Finance Readiness Programme
- What is Next After Accreditation
- The Gender Policy and Action Plan
- Understanding the Environmental and Social Policy and the Gender Policy
Discussion on adaptation strategies and project implementation in MENA region
- FAO’s Support for Countries in the MENA Region
- UNDP Presentation
- PACC-ZO: Adaptation Project in the Oasis Zones
- IFAD Presentation
- WFP Presentation
23-25 August 2016- Climate Finance Readiness Workshop for the Asia and Asia-Pacific Region, Mumbai, India
The Adaptation Fund’s Climate Finance Readiness Workshop in Mumbai, India for the Asia-Pacific Region draw over 60 participants from some 35 countries to share best practices and knowledge. The workshop was co-hosted with the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development of India (NABARD), the Adaptation Fund’s accredited NIE for India, as well as the UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, and Climate Action South Asia. It marked the Adaptation Fund’s third readiness seminar held for the Asia-Pacific region, and focused on the Fund’s accreditation and project development processes while providing guidance and a shared learning environment for both current NIEs and those seeking accreditation.
- Workshop report (pdf)
- Press release August 19, 2016: Adaptation Fund Gathers 30+ Countries for Asia-Pacific Workshop in India
- Introduction to the Adaptation Fund
- Accreditation Process and Procedures
- Introduction to Green Climate Fund fast track accreditation for adaptation finance
- NIE accreditation experience: NABARD
- What Next After Accreditation?
- AF Readiness Support
- National Adaptation Fund For Climate Change (NAFCC) by Government of India
- Readiness Support for Asia and Asia-Pacific: UNEP Help Desk for Asia & Pacific and USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific
- Introducing and Implementing the Principles of the AF Environmental and Social Policy and the Gender Policy
- Meeting the Project Review Criteria
- Lessons on Project Implementation on the Ground: Sharing Experiences with Executing Entities
13-15 July 2016- Climate Finance Readiness Seminar #3, Washington D.C.
The third Climate Finance Readiness Seminar for national implementing entities (NIEs) of the Adaptation Fund (AF) was held from 13-15 July in Washington DC. The seminar, which is a global and annual event, is organized under the AF Readiness Programme and hosted specifically for accredited NIEs of the Fund. It presents an opportunity for NIEs to meet and share experiences among themselves and with the Adaptation Fund Board (AFB) secretariat. 19 out of the 23 accredited NIEs attended the seminar, including two regional implementing entities (RIEs) and one multilateral implementing entity (MIE). Read more about the outcomes of the event in the Seminar Report.
- Agenda
- Seminar Report
- Press release July 12, 2016: Adaptation Fund’s Climate Finance Readiness Seminar
- Press release July 13, 2016: Adaptation Fund Launches Calls for Readiness Grants
- Photos
- Session 1: Update on the status of the Adaptation Fund
- Session 2: Overview of the AF project cycle process
- Session 3: Introduction to new policies and update to policies under review, AF Gender Policy
- Session 4: Overview of the AF Readiness Programme
- Session 5: Re-accreditation process
- Session 6: Establishing a Grievance Handling Mechanism for the ESP and Gender Policies
- Session 8: Complying with the Fund’s Environmental and Social Policy and gender Policy
- Session 9: Meeting the project review criteria
- Session 10: Monitoring project performance – AF results based management tools for Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation
- Session 12: Readiness support and tools from the international community
- Session 14: NIE Community of practice
7-9 June 2016- Climate Finance Readiness Workshop, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
The Adaptation Fund and Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) co-hosted a Regional Climate Adaptation Finance Readiness Workshop in Tegucigalpa, Honduras that drew more than 12 countries from Latin America and the Caribbean to share experiences and best practices in the accreditation and project development processes for the Fund’s implementing entities. Several Fund staff were also on hand to deliver presentations and discuss policy updates and the Fund’s work in the region, which covers about 27% of Adaptation Fund projects.
- Daouda Ndiaye: Adaptation Fund Status update
- Farayi Madziwa: Readiness Programme
- Angela Palacio and Young Hee Lee: Accreditation and Re-accreditation – the Process and the Criteria
- Dirk Lamberts: Implementing the Environmental and Social Policy in projects and programs
- Young Hee Lee: Gender Policy
- Dirk Lamberts: The principles of the Environmental and Social Policy
- Daouda Ndiaye: Overview of project cycle
- Cheryl A. Dixon, Caribank: Building Climate Resilience
- Maria Carolia Torres, CAF
3-5 May 2016- Climate Finance Readiness Workshop, Casablanca, Morocco
The Adaptation Fund’s Climate Finance Readiness Workshop for the Francophone Africa took place in Casablanca, Morocco on May 3-5, 2016. During the event, the accredited NIEs shared best practices and lessons learned with the accreditation and project development processes within the Fund’s pioneering Direct Access modality. The workshop was co-sponsored by the Institute de la Francophonie pour le Developpement Durable (IFDD) and the Project Centre de Competences Changement Climatique (4C) Maroc, with the Fund’s NIE for Morocco, the Agency for Agricultural Development (ADA) also instrumental in organizing the event.
- Fonds d’Adaptation: Vue d’ensemble
- Bert Emiel Keuppens: Adaptation Fund’s Fiduciary Standards and Accreditation Criteria
- Andrea Iro, UNFCCC: Financement de l’adaptation climatique et résultats de l’Accord de Paris
- Farayi Madziwa, Adaptation Fund: Readiness Programme for Direct Access
- Meryem Andaloussi, ADA
- Déthié S. Ndiaye, CSE: Accès aux ressources , expérience de CSE
- Mustapha Mokass, Beya Capital
- Réalisations du projet PARSACC (Mauritanie)
28 April 2016- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #2
The second readiness webinar focused on the topic of knowledge management. The webinar included presentations from a knowledge management expert as well as Adaptation Fund’s stakeholders and national implementing entities.
- Introduction: Farayi Madziwa, Adaptation Fund
- Rita Kumar, Bridge Consulting Group: What is Knowledge Management
- Daouda Ndiaye, Adaptation Fund: Knowledge Management under the Adaptation Fund
- Shaanti Kapila, CIF: Knowledge Management in the PPCR
- Carolina Reyes, Fundecooperacion: NIE experiences about Knowledge Management
Events in Calendar Year 2015
19 November 2015- Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #1
The first readiness webinar focused on community engagement and stakeholder consultation in climate adaptation projects. The webinar included presentations from the Readiness Program and NGOs followed by an open online discussion.
- Introduction: Community Engagement and Consultation
- UNEP-WCMC Sylvia Wicander: Climate-Resilient Communities and Protected Areas in Coastal West Africa
- IISD Anne Hammill & Angie Daze: Community Engagement for Adaptation
22-24 September 2015- Climate Finance Readiness Workshop, Abuja, Nigeria
Co-organized with the Economic Community of West African States and the Heinrich Boll Foundation.
- Abuja Workshop Press Release
- Workshop reports: English Français
- Summary on ECOWAS Magazine
- Introduction and current situation of the Adaptation Fund
- AF Environmental and Social Policy & Process overview
- Accreditation process – environmental and social review
- AF’s fiduciary standards and accreditation process
- AF NGO Network
- Project cycle of the AF
- AF Readiness Support – overview
- CSE: Experience with Adaptation Fund’s Direct Access
- CSO participation on the Senegal project
- Green Climate Fund Session 1 Session 2 Session 3
- Heinrich Boll Foundation
28-30 July 2015- Climate Finance Readiness Seminar #6, Washington DC, USA
The sixth readiness seminar focused on readiness throughout project cycle and environmental and social safeguards.
- AFB Update (pdf)
- Update on the GCF
- GCF Accreditation
- CSE Presentation
- MCT experience
- Overview of AF Project Cycle
- Monitoring Project Performance
- Climate Finance Readiness for NIEs
- Meeting the project criteria
- Implementation of adaptation projects – Experiences from IEs – PIOJ
- Implementation of adaptation projects – Experiences from IEs – MINIRENA
- Implementation of adaptation projects – Experiences from IEs – ANII
- Implementation of adaptation projects – Experiences from IEs – AfDB
- Implementation of adaptation projects – Experiences from IEs – Germanwatch
- Complying with the AF’s Environmental and Social Policy: MOPIC – (Jordan)
- Complying with the AF’s Environmental and Social Policy: UCAR – Argentina
- Experience and lessons learned on complying with Environmental and Social Safeguards: GIZ
- World Bank’s Inspection Panel
- Environmental and Social Safeguards
- IFC: Stakeholder Engagement and Grievance Mechanisms
18-20 May 2015- Climate Finance Readiness Seminar #5, Windhoek, Namibia
- Co-hosted with Heinrich Boell Stiffung, DRFN and the government of Namibia
- Focus on increasing capacity of applicant and accredited implementing entities
- Brief on lessons learned from AF direct access modalities (pdf)
24-26 March 2015- Climate Finance Readiness Seminar #4, Panama City, Panama
- Co-hosted with CAF and the government of Panama
- Focus on increasing capacity of applicant and accredited implementing entities
Events in Calendar Year 2014
10-12 September – Climate Finance Readiness Seminar #3, Bangkok, Thailand
- Co-hosted with UNEP
- Focus on increasing capacity of applicant and accredited implementing entities
- Press Release – Seminar 3 (77 KB, PDF)
15-17 July – Climate Finance Readiness Seminar #2, Washington DC
- Focus on readiness throughout project cycle
- Press Release – Seminar 2 (328 KB, PDF)
1-4 July – First NIE Readiness Workshop in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
- Focus on accreditation process and implementation of projects
- Hosted by the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) of Kenya, and supported by the Heinrich Boell Foundation, Adaptation Fund and the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)
1-2 May – Climate Finance Readiness Seminar #1, Washington DC
- The Readiness Programme for Climate Finance kicked off with a two day seminar in Washington, DC, bringing together experts and thought leaders from a variety of organizations around the world.
- Focus on convening experts and thought leaders in climate finance readiness, sharing experiences and charting paths forward.
- Press Release – Seminar 1 (320 KB, PDF