Modern food systems are complex, and there are many points along the supply chains, from production to consumption, that are vulnerable to disruption. Due to the wide-reaching effects of climate change, these systems are becoming vulnerable to increasing disruptions. Ensuring food security is not only a matter of helping farmers adapt to the changing climate, but also of helping governments craft policies and develop institutions that will provide them with the capacities to manage this multifaceted aspect of modern society in the face of future threats.

Implementing Protection Technologies to Foster the Resilience of Aquaculture in the Regions of Huanuco, Junin, and Puno to Strengthen Food Security in the Context of Extreme Events Associated with Climate Change

Peru - Latin America & Caribbean

Resilient Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture in Nauru

Nauru - Asia-Pacific

Djigui Niokolo: Developing Agro-Sylvo-Pastoral Models for Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Preservation

Senegal - Africa

Increasing the Resilience of Vulnerable Populations in Costa Rica by Scaling up Adapta2+

Costa Rica - Latin America & Caribbean

  Costa Rica is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change impacts, and more particularly to extreme hydro-meteorological events due to a combination of geographical location and economic factors. Impacts of climatic events are experienced inversely on both coasts: in other words, while droughts take place on

Strengthening Resilience and Food Security of the Vulnerable Communes of Boukombe and Bopa Against Increased Impact of Climate Change

Benin - Africa

Adaptation of Small-Scale Agriculture for Improved Food Security of Resilient Communities in Papua New Guinea (ASSA)

Papua New Guinea - Asia-Pacific

Strengthening Resilience of Vulnerable Communities in Sri Lanka and India to Increased Impacts of Climate Change (India, Sri Lanka)

Regional - Other

  The project is a regional initiative targeting dry land localities within the dry zone of Sri Lanka and the eastern coast of India. In Sri Lanka, the project will focus on districts in the dry zone, while targeted areas in India will be the dry districts within

Strengthening the Adaptive Capacities of Climate-Vulnerable Communities in the Goascorán Watershed of El Salvador and Honduras through Integrated Community-Based Adaptation Practices and Services (El Salvador, Honduras)

Regional - Other

  This project is a regional initiative focused on the transboundary watershed of Goascorán which lies between eastern El Salvador and south-western Honduras. The Goascorán watershed, like other areas within the Central American Dry Corridor, is highly vulnerable to climate variability and change, with exposure to extreme weather

Scaling-up climate-resilient rice production in West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia (Republic of the), Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo)

Regional - Other

Rice is a staple crop that has been grown in West Africa for more than 3500 years, since the domestication of African rice (Oryza glaberrima). Produced by low-income smallholders across the entire region, rice plays a key role in regional food

West and Central Africa Small Island Developing States ADAPT – Building resilience of agricultural systems to climate change (Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe)

Regional - Other