Climate change is projected to increase the occurrences and intensities of natural hazards. Disaster Risk Reduction (or DRR) is a means of adapting to this reality that relies on preventive measures as the most effective means of ensuring these hazards do not evolve into full-fledged disasters. It requires input from every part of society, and includes a wide range of adaptation activities, such risk and vulnerability assessments, and strengthening climate information and early warning systems.

Strengthening Resilience to Climate and Covid-19 shocks through Integrated Water Management on the Sudan – Chad Border area (SCCIWM)

Regional - Africa

  The Sahelian region is experiencing the full impact of climate change with rainfall deficits and severe droughts with devastating consequences on people’s livelihoods, the region is one of the most severely affected from land degradation and desertification in the world. It has experienced severe drought and

Reducing vulnerabilities of populations in the Central Asia region from glacier lake outburst floods in a changing climate (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan)

Regional - Other

The objective of the proposed project is to strengthen adaptation to climate change in Central Asia by reducing societal risks and vulnerabilities associated with GLOFs. This objective also addresses SDGs 11 and 13 of the 2030 Agenda, particularly targets 11.5 and 13.1 and 13.3. The project objective will be achieved by assessing societal risks and vulnerabilities

Strengthening Drought Resilience for Small Holder Farmers and Pastoralists in the IGAD Region (Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan, Uganda)

Regional - Other

The IGAD member states face severe water constraints and prolonged droughts. Moreover, the region faces uncontrolled activities such as deforestation and poor agricultural practices that lead to reduced water retention capacities, surface runoffs, and soil cover losses. Such activities, not only impact negatively on water resources,

Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of Andean Communities through Climate Services (ENANDES) (Chile, Colombia, Peru)

Regional - Other

The ENANDES countries share distinctive climatic, environmental and cultural characteristics that have led the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to recognize these countries as particularly vulnerable to climate change. ENANDES countries share the influence on their climate of the Andes, the most important mountain range in the Southern Hemisphere. The impressive length,

Building urban climate resilience in south-eastern Africa (Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Union of Comoros)

Regional - Other

Encroachment of settlements near the Likangala River Africa is undergoing rapid urbanization that will result in almost 1.33 billion people living in cities by 2050, compared to 470 million at present. A large part of the housing demand is being met by growing informal settlements characterized by

Integrated climate-resilient transboundary flood risk management in the Drin River basin in the Western Balkans (Albania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro)

Regional - Other

The Drin River Basin (DRB) is a transboundary river basin, which is home to 1.6 Million people and extends across, Kosovo, the Former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia, Montenegro and Greece. Climate change and climate variability have been increasing the frequency, intensity and impact of flooding in the basin. Historical flood data from the Western Balkans suggests

Integration of climate change adaptation measures in the concerted management of the WAP transboundary complex: ADAPT-WAP (Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger)

Regional - Other

The W-Arly-Pendjari (WAP) Complex is one of Africa’s most important compositions of terrestrial transboundary ecosystems. It is considered as the largest and most important continuum of unharmed ecosystems in the West African savannah belt. Shared by Benin, Burkina and Niger, this network of protected areas consists of a number of areas with different status and

Climate Change adaptation in vulnerable coastal cities and ecosystems of the Uruguay River (Argentina, Uruguay)

Regional - Other

The low basin of the Uruguay River plays an important role in providing territorial structure to cities along the river, including some port cities, located along its margins and provides a direct physical link between Argentina and Uruguay. Riparian protected areas of significant importance are located along this river corridor, which is shared by Argentina

Integrating Flood and Drought Management and Early Warning for Climate Change Adaptation in the Volta Basin (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, Togo)

Regional - Other

The geographic setting of the Volta Basin, covering an area of about 400,000 km2 and extending from semi-arid to sub-humid areas, is highly vulnerable to meteorological and hydrological events. Over the last 20 years, almost two million people have been affected by floods in the Volta basin. Key affected stakeholders are mainly people working in

Reducing climate vulnerability and flood risk in coastal urban and semi urban areas in cities in Latin America (Chile, Ecuador)

Regional - Other

Adaptation to climate change in coastal cities is a main challenge for both countries as coastal areas are more exposed and vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change and the impacts of weather-related disasters. The project objective is to reduce vulnerability to climate-related floods, mud flows