The Centre de Suivi Ecologique (CSE) of Senegal technical assistance grant for the Gender Policy (TA-GP) seeks to enhance the capacity of CSE to assess and manage gender related issues and its compliance with the Adaptation Fund’s Gender Policy.

Specific activities by CSE for the readiness grant include:

  1. Update of existing Gender Policy for screening projects with measures to avoid, minimize and/or mitigate adverse gender impacts in accordance with the Adaptation Fund’s Gender Policy.
  2. Development of a guide for screening projects with regard to Gender considerations.
  3. Update policy for public disclosure and consultation that are gender responsive.
  4. Update grievance mechanisms for receiving and addressing complaints related to gender inequalities and other adverse gender impacts caused by projects/programmes.
  5. Training of staff to carry out the relevant tasks related to the entity’s institutional framework for gender mainstreaming.
  6. Translation of all  documents.

Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project completion report PDF 88 KB
Inception Report PDF 179 KB