The National Environment Management Council (NEMC) of the United Republic of Tanzania technical assistance grant for the Environmental and Social Policy and Gender Policy (TA-ESGP) seeks to enhance the capacity of NEMC to assess and manage environmental, social and gender related issues and its compliance with the Adaptation Fund’s Environmental and Social Policy and Gender Policy.

Specific activities by NEMC for the readiness grant include:

  1. Development of checklists for screening projects for environmental and social risks as well as gender-related risks at different stages of project development 
  2. Development of a gender policy
  3. Strengthening the Agency’s Grievance and Redress Mechanism
  4. Relevant training

Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 591 KB
Monitoring Report 1 PDF 530 KB
Inception Report PDF 363 KB
Project completion report DOCX 35 KB