Antigua and Barbuda’s Department of Environment (DoE) technical assistance grant for the Environmental and Social Policy and Gender Policy (TA-ESGP) seeks to enhance the capacity of the DoE to assess and manage environmental, social and gender related issues and its compliance with the Adaptation Fund’s Environmental and Social Policy and Gender Policy.
Specific activities by the DoE for the readiness grant include:
- Update the DoE’s ESS Policy and Gender Policy.
- Revise the DoE Manual on the processing of grants and revolving funds. Finalize the Environmental and Social Management Plan.
- Provide ESS and gender technical backstopping and advisory services to the AF project management unit.
- Provide one training session to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and the Project Management Committee (PMC).
Updated Environmental & Social Safeguard Policy and Gender Policy available on DoE website Here.
Project Documents
Attachment | Type | Size |
Monitoring Report 1 | 187 KB | |
Inception Report | 259 KB | |
Project completion report | 334 KB | |
Project completion report | 253 KB | |
Project completion report | 140 KB |