Fundación Natura of Panama technical assistance grant for the Environmental and Social Policy (TA-ESP) seeks to enhance the capacity of Fundación Natura to assess and manage environmental and social related issues and its compliance with the Adaptation Fund’s Environmental and Social Policy.

Specific activities by Fundación Natura for the readiness grant include:

  1. Analysis of current tools and procedures in place in F. Natura to asses/manage project environmental and social risks and impacts.
  2.  Compare the current tools with the AF Env. & Soc. Policy requirements.  Identify gaps and provide adequate measure to fill those gaps. 
  3. Review the Env&Social Policy developed by Fundación Natura to mainstream it through its processes.
  4. Harmonization of the above mentioned tool with the national legal requirements, the AF Env&Social Policy and with other relevant Env&Social policy frameworks.   
  5. Conduct a demonstration exercise to prove the relevance/pertinence of the proposed process and procedures. Refine and adjust the proposal as needed .
  6. Training workshop with Fundacion Natura staff to socialize the tool and raise awareness about its importance, purpose and means of implementation. 
  7. Provide guidance to produce one informative material (flyer/brochure/fact sheet) to inform the general audience about the tool/process. 

Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project completion report PDF 217 KB
Inception Report PDF 78 KB