Costa Rica is experiencing the effects of increasing temperatures and intensity of extreme rainfall. These effects, due to climate change, are increasing the vulnerability of the water resources of the country, threatening the sustainable production of agricultural resources that promote food security and livelihoods, as well as negatively affecting mangroves and coral reefs, which serve as protective barriers to coastal communities.
Objectives: The objective of this programme is to reduce climate vulnerability by focusing on critical sectors (agriculture, water resources, and coastal zones) in order to reduce the negative impacts of climate change, and improve the resilience of those populations. This program will seek to increase climate resilience by working directly with local stakeholders and anticipated beneficiaries through the implementation of adaptation projects in each of the geographical areas selected. Projects submitted by local organizations have been screened and the preselected proposals went through an in-depth assessment of their potential for the enhancement of climate resilience, which involves an analysis of the actions’ appropriateness, based on the local biophysical and socioeconomic context. The support will consist of investment in interventions, technical assistance, and training related to this plan.
Learn more
- AF project video: Adaptation Fund in Costa Rica
- Project videos by Fundecooperación
- Other videos
- Primer informe del Piloto de Adaptación en Zonas Cafetaleras
- Sistema de Fertirriego de Purines del Sr Ronald Rodríguez beneficiario del proyecto de adaptación que implementa la Cámara Nacional de Productores de Leche
- “Costa Rica es un laboratorio. Nuestros Entes Ejecutores del Adaptation Fund son ejemplo para el mundo en #accionesclimáticas”
- Acciones climáticas
- Adaptation Story: Costa Rica
- Adaptation Fund project in Costa Rica and its relationship to SDGs and national climate plans
- Manual de Buenas Prácticas Bríbris y Cabecar
In the News
- Winner of the INNOVAGRO 2019 AWARD in the category of Social Innovation:
- More information about the INNOVAGRO 2019 Award:
- Voces Nuestras (Sep 7, 2017): El cambio climático ya tiene un impacto en el Parque Nacional Marino Ballena
- Periodico Mensaje (July 24, 2017):
- (July 23, 2017): 25 fincas de Puriscal cambiaron sus técnicas de trabajo para ser más eficientes y enfrentar el cambio climático
- La República (May 8, 2017): Proyecto comunal permite a cantones solucionar problemas de acceso al agua y sequía
- La Ruta del Clima (May 7, 2017): El Fondo de Adaptación en Costa Rica y ACEPESA
- Global Water Partnership (Feb 13, 2017): Towards Adaptation in Costa Rica
- Ambientico (258, Artículo 6):
- Ojo al Clima (Dec 5, 2016): Nuevos seguros “verdes” premiarán a agricultores que se adapten al cambio climático
- La Ruta del Clima (Nov 18, 2016): “Si no tomamos en consideración la mitad de la población cómo esperamos tener un desarrollo mayor”
- The Voice of Guanacaste (Nov 17, 2016): Hojancha’s Rainwater Reservoirs Highlighted at Climate Change Summit in Morocco
- IPS News (Oct 5, 2016): Coffee Producers in Costa Rica Use Science to Tackle Climate Change
- El Pais (Oct 2, 2016): Caficultores de Costa Rica enfrentan cambio climático con ciencia
- Presidencia de la República de Costa Rica (June 1, 2016): 41 fincas lecheras modelo inician proceso de adaptación al cambio climático
- (Feb 19, 2014): Convocan recepción de proyectos para operar Fondo de Adaptación al Cambio Climático
- La Nacion (Feb 27, 2014): Minae financiará acciones en favor de agua y costas
Component 1: Increasing the adaptation capacity to climate change in the agricultural sector (including agriculture and livestock) |
USD 3,000,000 |
Component 2: Improving water resources management in order to increase resilience in coastal communities that are more vulnerable to climate change |
USD 3,449,010 |
Component 3: Improving the capacity of communities, producers, institutions, and other relevant stakeholders regarding adaptation to climate change |
USD 1,900,000 |
Project/Programme Execution Cost |
USD 860,000 |
Total Project/Programme Cost (= Project Components + Execution Cost) |
USD 9,216,590 |
Implementing Fee |
USD 750,000 |
Grant Amount (= Total Project/Programme Cost + Implementing Fee) |
USD 9,970,000 |
Project Documents
Attachment | Type | Size |
Project document | 4 MB | |
Project concept | 2 MB | |
PPR1 (for web) | XLSX | 141 KB |
PPR2 (for web) | XLSX | 147 KB |
Mid-term evaluation report | 1 MB | |
PPR3 (for web) | XLSX | 150 KB |
PPR4 (for web) | XLSX | 220 KB |
Other project order | 55 KB | |
PPR5 (for web) | XLSX | 224 KB |
PPR6 (for web) | XLSX | 208 KB |