The Mojana subregion of Depresión Momposina, home to thousands of farming families, has endured multiple cases of severe flooding in recent years. The latest flood, a La Niña event in 2010, came on the heels of large floods in 2005, 2007, and 2008. The flood disrupted the lives and livelihoods of more than 200,000 people in the region, many of whom depend upon corn and rice, cows, water buffalo, and traditional fishing practices to make their livings. The agriculture and fishing sectors face additional pressures from mining pollutants and human activities that have altered wetlands and flows of water in ways that exacerbate flood damage.


The project will focus on the municipalities of Ayapel, San Marcos, and San Benito Abad in the effort to minimize destruction from future flooding, which is expected to become more severe as the climate changes, and to protect the biological diversity of a region known for its rich variety of species and ecosystems. Colombia’s Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, and municipal and local officials, together with the United Nations Development Programme, are planning a wide range of activities to achieve this goal, including the development of hydrological and hydraulic models, climate change profiles, flood-risk maps, and vulnerability assessments, updating the hydrometeorological network, and designing and operating a local early warning system. The project will also involve the rehabilitation of wetlands, building dikes, unclogging streams to better manage water flows, the diversification of food sources, building homes and public infrastructure to float or to stand on stilts, and a programme directed toward women for making natural-fiber crafts using plant species that thrive in flood conditions. Finally, the project aims to promote replication of successful experiences in ecosystem- and community-based adaptation measures and integrate them into local and regional planning policies.


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Project Component 1: Strengthen existing hydro-climatological and environmental information system for use by local and regional stakeholders USD 1,456,314
Project Component 2: Rehabilitation of wetlands and their hydrology in the target area as a means to reduce risk to flooding and drought associated with climate change and variability USD 2,675,965
Project Component 3: Introduction of climate change-resilient agro-ecological practices and building designs helps local communities to reduce their vulnerability to the impacts of climate change USD 2,593,672
Project Component  4: Relevant institutional and social structures strengthened for mainstreaming climate risk management and adaptation measures into planning and decision-making processes USD 447,383
Project/Programme Execution Cost USD 677,640
Total Project/Programme Cost (=Project Components + Execution Cost) USD 7,850,974
Implementing Fee USD 667,333
Grant Amount (= Total Project/Programme Cost + Execution Cost) USD 8,518,307  


To learn more, please see the project document below.

Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 2 MB
PPR1 (for web) XLS 468 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLSX 171 KB
PPR3 (for web) XLSX 186 KB
PPR4 (for web) XLSX 230 KB
Mid-term evaluation report DOC 5 MB
PPR5 (for web) XLSX 211 KB
PPR6 (for web) XLSX 260 KB
Other project order PDF 93 KB
Other project order PDF 1 MB
Final evaluation report PDF 1 MB
Project completion report PDF 329 KB