
13 08, 2015

Climate Proofing of Watershed Development Projects in the States of Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan

13 August 2015|

13 08, 2015

Enhancing resilience to climate change of the small agriculture in the Chilean region of O’Higgins

13 August 2015|

13 08, 2015

(Approved project) Building Adaptive Capacities of Communities, Livelihoods and Ecological Security in the Kanha-Pench Corridor of Madhya Pradesh

13 August 2015|

26 06, 2015

Adapting to climate induced threats to food production and food security in the Karnali Region of Nepal

26 June 2015|

26 11, 2014

Taking adaptation to the ground: A small Grants Facility for enabling local-level responses to climate change

26 November 2014|

26 11, 2014

Building Resilience in the greater uMngeni Catchment, South Africa

26 November 2014|

26 11, 2014

Integrated Programme To Build Resilience To Climate Change & Adaptive Capacity Of Vulnerable Communities In Kenya

26 November 2014|

26 11, 2014

Reducing the Vulnerability by Focusing on Critical Sectors (Agriculture, Water Resources and Coastlines) in order to Reduce the Negative Impacts of Climate Change and Improve the Resilience of these Sectors.

26 November 2014|

26 11, 2014

Enhancing Adaptive Capacity and Increasing Resilience of Small and Marginal Farmers in Purulia and Bankura Districts of West Bengal

26 November 2014|

26 11, 2014

Conservation and Management of Coastal Resources as a Potential Adaptation Strategy for Sea Level Rise

26 November 2014|

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