
19 07, 2012

Developing Agro-Pastoral Shade Gardens as an Adaptation Strategy for Poor Rural Communities

19 July 2012|

19 07, 2012

Reducing Risk and Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Region of La Depresion Momposina in Colombia

19 July 2012|

19 07, 2012

Enhancing Climate Resilience of Rural Communities Living in Protected Areas of Cambodia

19 July 2012|

17 07, 2012

(Approved project) Ecosystem-based Approaches for Reducing the Vulnerability of Food Production to the Impacts of Climate Change in the Eastern and Chaco Regions of Paraguay

17 July 2012|

11 06, 2012

Adaptation of Cotonou Lagoon Ecosystems and Human Communities to Sea Level Rise and Extreme Weather Events Impacts

11 June 2012|

25 01, 2012

Promoting climate resilience in the rice sector through pilot investments in Alaotra-Mangoro region

25 January 2012|

23 01, 2012

Enhancing Resilience of Samoa’s Coastal Communities to Climate Change

23 January 2012|

23 01, 2012

Building resilience to climate change and variability in vulnerable smallholders

23 January 2012|

23 01, 2012

Akamatutu’anga i te iti tangata no te tuatau manakokore ia e te taui’anga reva – Strengthening the Resilience of our Islands and our Communities to Climate Change

23 January 2012|

19 01, 2012

Implementation Of Concrete Adaptation Measures To Reduce Vulnerability Of Livelihood and Economy Of Coastal Communities In Tanzania

19 January 2012|

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