
26 11, 2014

Integrated Programme To Build Resilience To Climate Change & Adaptive Capacity Of Vulnerable Communities In Kenya

26 November 2014|

26 11, 2014

Reducing the Vulnerability by Focusing on Critical Sectors (Agriculture, Water Resources and Coastlines) in order to Reduce the Negative Impacts of Climate Change and Improve the Resilience of these Sectors.

26 November 2014|

26 11, 2014

Enhancing Adaptive Capacity and Increasing Resilience of Small and Marginal Farmers in Purulia and Bankura Districts of West Bengal

26 November 2014|

26 11, 2014

Conservation and Management of Coastal Resources as a Potential Adaptation Strategy for Sea Level Rise

26 November 2014|

19 08, 2014

Belize Marine Conservation and Climate Adaptation Initiative

19 August 2014|

11 08, 2014

Addressing Climate Change Risks on Water Resources and Food Security in the Dry Zone of Myanmar

11 August 2014|

11 08, 2014

Reduction of Vulnerability to Coastal Flooding through Ecosystem-based Adaptation in the South of Artemisa and Mayabeque Provinces

11 August 2014|

10 08, 2014

Developing climate resilience of farming communities in the drought prone parts of Uzbekistan

10 August 2014|

10 08, 2014

Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Seychelles

10 August 2014|

29 08, 2013

Adaptation of Cotonou lagoon ecosystems and human communities to sea level rise and extreme weather events impacts

29 August 2013|

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