
2 09, 2015

Increasing the resilience of poor and vulnerable communities to climate change

2 September 2015|

2 09, 2015

Building Adaptive Capacities of Small Inland Fishermen Community for Climate Resilience and Livelihood Security, Madhya Pradesh, India

2 September 2015|

2 09, 2015

Increased Resilience to Climate Change in Northern Ghana through the Management of Water Resources and Diversification of Livelihoods

2 September 2015|

13 08, 2015

Climate smart actions and strategies in north western Himalayan region for sustainable livelihoods of agriculture-dependent hill communities

13 August 2015|

13 08, 2015

Climate Proofing of Watershed Development Projects in the States of Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan

13 August 2015|

13 08, 2015

Enhancing resilience to climate change of the small agriculture in the Chilean region of O’Higgins

13 August 2015|

13 08, 2015

(Approved project) Building Adaptive Capacities of Communities, Livelihoods and Ecological Security in the Kanha-Pench Corridor of Madhya Pradesh

13 August 2015|

26 06, 2015

Adapting to climate induced threats to food production and food security in the Karnali Region of Nepal

26 June 2015|

26 11, 2014

Taking adaptation to the ground: A small Grants Facility for enabling local-level responses to climate change

26 November 2014|

26 11, 2014

Building Resilience in the greater uMngeni Catchment, South Africa

26 November 2014|

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