
14 01, 2016

(Approved project) Enhancing the Climate and Disaster Resilience of the Most Vulnerable Rural and Emerging Urban Human Settlements in Lao PDR

14 January 2016|

14 01, 2016

(Approved project) AYNINACUY: Strategies for Adaptation to Climate Change, for the Preservation of Livestock Capital and Livelihoods in Highland Rural Communities…

14 January 2016|

14 01, 2016

(Approved project) Adapting to Climate Change through Integrated Water Management in Panama

14 January 2016|

14 01, 2016

Enhancing Resilience of Agriculture to Climate Change to Support Food Security in Niger, through Modern Irrigation Techniques

14 January 2016|

14 01, 2016

Adaptation to the Impacts of Climate Change on Peru’s Coastal Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries

14 January 2016|

14 01, 2016

(Approved project) Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience of coastal communities in the Saloum Islands (Dionewar)

14 January 2016|

14 01, 2016

(Approved project) Adapting to Climate Change in Lake Victoria Basin (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda)

14 January 2016|

14 01, 2016

(Approved project) Agricultural Climate Resilience Enhancement Initiative (ACREI) (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda)

14 January 2016|

2 09, 2015

Climate changes adaptation project in oasis zones – PACC-ZO

2 September 2015|

2 09, 2015

Programme Support for Climate Change Adaptation in the vulnerable regions of Mopti and Timbouctou

2 September 2015|

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