
9 08, 2017

Community Adaptation for Forest-Food Based Management in Saddang Watershed Ecosystem

9 August 2017|

9 08, 2017

Strengthening Drought Resilience for Smallholder Farmers and Pastoralists in the IGAD Region (Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan, Uganda).

9 August 2017|

9 08, 2017

Adapted Building: Transformative Practices for Better Building in the Sahel (Burkina Faso, Mali).

9 August 2017|

9 08, 2017

Flood Resilience in Ulaanbaatar Ger Areas (FRUGA)- Climate Change Adaptation through community-driven small-scale protective and basic-services interventions

9 August 2017|

9 08, 2017

Climate change adaptation in vulnerable coastal cities and ecosystems of the Uruguay River (Argentina, Uruguay)

9 August 2017|

9 08, 2017

Strengthening the resilience of fisheries and aquaculture communities to climate change in Chad

9 August 2017|

9 08, 2017

Climate change adaptation through small-scale & protective and infrastructure interventions in coastal settlements of Cambodia

9 August 2017|

9 08, 2017

Artik city closed stone pit wastes and flood management pilot project

9 August 2017|

18 04, 2017

Integration of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in the Concerted Management of the WAP Transboundary Complex: Adapt-WAP Project (Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger)

18 April 2017|

18 04, 2017

Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience of coastal communities in the Saloum Islands (Dionewar and Fadial)

18 April 2017|

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