
9 01, 2019

Innovation grant – Engaging future leaders: digital education module on adaptation challenges and best practices for youth

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Strengthening land based adaptation capacity in communities adjacent to protected areas in Armenia

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Building resilience for adaptation to climate change and climate variability in agriculture in Saint Lucia

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Climate Change adaptation in vulnerable coastal cities and ecosystems of the Uruguay River (Argentina, Uruguay)

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Harnessing Alternative Renewable Energy Resources for Enhancing Community Resilience and Sustainable Food Security for Adaptation to Climate Change

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Strengthening climate change adaptation of small towns and peri-urban communities within medium river catchments in Uganda

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Enhancing Adaptive Capacity and Livelihood Diversification for the Rural Poor of Northern Malawi

9 January 2019|

19 09, 2018

Increasing local communities’ resilience to climate change through youth entrepreneurship and integrated natural resources management

19 September 2018|

19 09, 2018

Increasing local communities’ adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change through improving climate-smart agriculture, water and energy access in the Bandama watershed of Cote d’Ivoire

19 September 2018|

19 09, 2018

Pilot rural desalination plants using renewable power and membrane technology

19 September 2018|

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