
9 01, 2019

Strategic Water Harvesting Technologies for Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change in Rural Communities in Semi Arid Areas of Tanzania (SWAHAT)

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation for Agro-Pastoral Communities in Kongwa District

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Bunda Climate Resilient and Adaptation Project

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Innovation grant -Promotion of Climate Resilient Agriculture through regenerative and low cost sustainable natural farming techniques and processes

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Community Adaptation for Forest-Food Based Management in Saddang Watershed Ecosystem

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Building Coastal City Resilience to Climate Change Impacts and Natural Disasters in Pekalongan City, Central Java Province

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Talent Retention for Rural Transformation – Adapt (TART- Adapt)

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Dairy Modernization and Market Access: Adaptation Component (DiMMAdapt)

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Creation and development of capacities and tools for diversification and resilience of women’s livelihoods in the province of San Cristóbal

9 January 2019|

9 01, 2019

Enhancing Climate Resilience in San Cristóbal province, Dominican Republic Integrated Water Resources Management and Rural Development Programme

9 January 2019|

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