
27 04, 2020

Increasing the resilience of both displaced persons and host communities to climate change-related water challenges in Jordan and Lebanon

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Mekong EbA South: Enhancing Climate Resilience in the Greater Mekong Sub-region through Ecosystem-based Adaptation in the Context of South-South Cooperation (Thailand, Viet Nam)

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Strategic Water Harvesting Technologies for Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change in Rural Communities in Semi-Arid Areas of Tanzania (SWAHAT)

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Bunda Climate Resilience and Adaptation Project

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Safekeeping-Surviving-Sustaining towards Resilience: 3S Approach to Build Coastal City Resilience to Climate Change Impacts and Natural Disasters in Pekalongan City, Central Java Province

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Embracing the Sun: Redefining Public Space as a Solution for the Effects of Global Climate Change in Indonesia’s Urban Areas

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Adapting to Climate Change through Sustainable Integrated Watershed Governance in Indigenous People of Ammatoa Kajang Customary Area in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Enhancing the adaptation capability of coastal community in facing the impacts of climate change in Negeri (village), Asilulu, Ureng and Lima of Leihitu District Maluku Tengah Regency Maluku Province

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Adaptation to Climate-Induced Water Stresses through Integrated Landscape Management in Bhutan

27 April 2020|

24 01, 2020

Enhancing Sustainable Wetlands Restoration Through Community-Based Climate Change Adaptive Livelihood Options in Okole Wetland System Lira District

24 January 2020|

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