
27 04, 2020

Increasing Local Communities’ Resilience to Climate Change through Youth Entrepreneurship and Integrated Natural Resources Management

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Climate Change Adaptation through Protective Small-scale Infrastructure Interventions in Coastal Settlements of Cambodia

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

West and Central Africa Small Island Developing States ADAPT – Building resilience of agricultural systems to climate change (Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe)

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Increasing the resilience of both displaced persons and host communities to climate change-related water challenges in Jordan and Lebanon

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Mekong EbA South: Enhancing Climate Resilience in the Greater Mekong Sub-region through Ecosystem-based Adaptation in the Context of South-South Cooperation (Thailand, Viet Nam)

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Strategic Water Harvesting Technologies for Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change in Rural Communities in Semi-Arid Areas of Tanzania (SWAHAT)

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Bunda Climate Resilience and Adaptation Project

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Safekeeping-Surviving-Sustaining towards Resilience: 3S Approach to Build Coastal City Resilience to Climate Change Impacts and Natural Disasters in Pekalongan City, Central Java Province

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Embracing the Sun: Redefining Public Space as a Solution for the Effects of Global Climate Change in Indonesia’s Urban Areas

27 April 2020|

27 04, 2020

Adapting to Climate Change through Sustainable Integrated Watershed Governance in Indigenous People of Ammatoa Kajang Customary Area in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

27 April 2020|

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