Antigua and Barbuda is a twin-island state located in the eastern region of the Caribbean Sea. This project will focus its efforts on a high risk and populated watershed on the northwest coast of Antigua. The project area is vulnerable to climate change, undergoing urban expansion, and supports low income and lower middle-income families.

The project seeks to reduce vulnerability of the community, by increasing the ability of the watershed to handle extreme rainfall, while increasing the resilience of the built environment simultaneously to cope with the multiple stressors of climate change. This integrated approach will ensure that the community will be able to withstand projected climate change impacts while the ecosystems can accommodate increased rainfall.

The three specific objectives of the project are to:

  1. Implement concrete adaptation actions that support natural and physical drainage systems along the 3-km urban and semi-urban waterways to meet projected climate change, in particular extreme hydro-meteorological events and disease vectors. These interventions will use a variety of approaches including ecosystem-based adaptation, such as wetland restoration to address disease vectors, and engineering solutions, such as drainage and retention ponds, to build resilience to the latest climate change projections.
  2. Disburse concessional loans through a revolving fund mechanism to vulnerable households and businesses to meet new adaptation guidelines and standards for built infrastructure to withstand extreme climate variability. These interventions include for example water harvesting, hurricane shutters, mosquito screens, water storage, and other adaptation measures.
  3. Support social adaptive capacity and local ownership of adaptation through community-awarded contracts and climate resilient community buildings such as community centers, schools and clinics. This will include interventions to allow the buildings to withstand hurricanes and droughts and serve as shelters.
Project Component 1: Upgrade urban drainage and waterways to meet projected climate change impacts US$ 3,550,960
Project Component 2: Revolving loans for homes in McKinnon’s watershed to meet new adaptation guidelines established in the building code and physical plan US$ 3,125,300
Project Component 3: Adaptation mainstreaming and capacity building in NGOs and community groups to sustain project interventions US$ 2,223,500
Project Execution Cost US$ 636,240
Total Project Cost US$ 9,215,000
Implementing Entity Project Cycle Management Fee US$ 434,000
Grant Amount USD 9,970,000

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Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 4 MB
Project concept PDF 3 MB
Inception Report PDF 451 KB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 150 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLSX 247 KB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 3 MB
Other project order PDF 1 MB
Other project order PDF 1 MB
PPR3 (for web) XLSX 230 KB
Other project order PDF 2 MB
Other project order PDF 160 KB
PPR4 (for web) XLSX 251 KB
Other project order PDF 1 MB