Tanzania’s largest city, Dar es Salaam, is a coastal metropolis prone to flooding. Already, sections of the 2.6-km sea wall that protects this major commercial, administrative and industrial center are severely degraded or completely destroyed. Inadequate drainage systems exacerbate urban flooding during the rainy season, often resulting in traffic jams, and health hazards from water-borne pollution. Climate change is expected to worsen the threat to key infrastructure in Dar es Salaam.

The project intends to lessen the negative impacts of sea level rise and changes in precipitation patterns in the Ilala and Temeke Districts of Dar es Salaam. The project aims to reduce the adverse impacts of sea level rise and floods on coastal infrastructures and settlements; rehabilitate coastal ecosystems to enhance ecological resistance to flooding; conduct a baseline study based on coastal vulnerability and an assessment of the economic viability and practical feasibility of adaptation measures; creating and operating a climate change observatory for Tanzania; documenting lessons learned, building district level administration capacity; and producing an Ecosystem-based Integrated Coastal Area Management Plan.

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Component 1: Addressing climate change impacts on key infrastructure and settlements USD 3,537,500
Component 2: Ecosystem-based integrated coastal area management USD 289,000
Component 3: Knowledge, coastal monitoring and policy linkages USD 415,000
Project/Programme Execution Cost USD 270,000
Monitoring and Evaluation USD 104,688
Total Project/Programme Cost (= Project Components + Execution Cost) USD 4,616,188
Implementing Fee USD 392,376
Grant Amount (= Total Project/Programme Cost + Implementing Fee)   USD 5,008,564  


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF
PPR1 (for web) XLS 256 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLS 233 KB
PPR3 (for web) XLS 292 KB
PPR4 (for web) XLSX 156 KB
Inception Report PDF 2 MB
PPR6 (for web) XLSX 162 KB
PPR7 (for web) XLSX 160 KB
Other project order PDF 366 KB
Other project order PDF 94 KB
Final evaluation report PDF 6 MB