Mongolia is set to be significantly impacted by the effects of climate change. Although milder climatic forecasts might bring some benefits to a country such as less harsh weather conditions, these are most likely to be outweighed by significant drawbacks for the country. As mean temperatures are to rise, secondary effects such as increases in extreme weather events become more likely.

The main objective of the proposed project is to enhance the climate change resilience of the seven most vulnerable Ger khoroo settlements focusing on flooding in Ulaanbaatar City by:

1. Improving the knowledge on flood hazard and risk exposure and vulnerability for these areas
2. Improving the resilience and adaptive capacity of the Ger settlements through a Community-Based gender-responsive approach (i.e. building social cohesion per Khoroo)
3. Increasing resilience Ger area physical infrastructure and services, supported by enhanced capacities of responsible district level and khoroo authorities.
4. Strengthened institutional capacity to reduce risks and capture and replicate lessons and good practices

The main component of the project will be the provision of flood resilient physical infrastructure and services, building on the priorities as communicated by the UB city authorities and Khoroo communities, both women and men; evidence made available and supplemented with hazard and risk mapping and land use planning; and delivered within the framework of enhanced capacities and awareness for resilience and risk reduction at Ger -district and community level.

The project consists of four components:

  • Component 1: National/City Level Producing hazard and risk information / evidence for increasing resilience and developing land use plans to increase this resilience at Ulaanbaatar City level
  • Component 2: Khoroo/Community level Participative planning and capacity development for flood resilience in Ger-areas at the district / khoroo and community level (including activities to operate and maintain – and mitigate any potential risks related to – the interventions under component 3)
  • Component 3: Enhance resilience of community level flood protection assets
  • Component 4: Awareness raising, knowledge management and communication
Project Component 1: National/City Level Producing hazard and risk information / evidence for increasing resilience and developing land use plans to increase this resilience at Ulaanbaatar City level US$ 401,790
Project Component 2: Khoroo/Community level Participative planning and capacity development for flood resilience in Ger-areas at the district / khoroo and community level (including activities to operate and maintain – and mitigate any potential risks related to – the interventions under component 3) US$ 458,346
Project Component 3: Enhance resilience of community level flood protection assets US$ 400,000
Project Component 4: Awareness raising, knowledge management and communication US$ 2,644,684
Project Execution Cost US$ 393,593
Total Project Cost US$ 4,143,094
 Project/Programme Cycle Management Fee charged by the Implementing Entity US$ 352,141
Grant Amount USD 4,495,235



Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 14 MB
Inception Report PDF 995 KB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 203 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLSX 214 KB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 2 MB
PPR3 (for web) XLSX 210 KB
PPR4 (for web) XLSX 196 KB
Final evaluation report PDF 2 MB
Project completion report PDF 3 MB