Background:Nearly half of the communities in the Pichincha Province of Ecuador are affected by chronic malnutrition. Many small-scale farmers cannot feed their families adequately, as they have little or no access to capital, markets, or effective farming techniques and infrastructure. In the Olmedo community, for example, 90 percent of residents live below the poverty line and 40 percent are malnourished. At the same time, increasing population levels and the corresponding need for land have forced people to overexploit forests and to plant their crops on soil with high erosion rates. Poverty forces people to occupy unsafe areas most prone to natural disasters and increased population density is leaving more people exposed to reductions in water flows, decreased crop yields and ongoing environmental damage. Other factors contributing to vulnerability include lack of awareness of climate-related threats, the construction of homes on fragile land, and the inadequate quality of infrastructure and construction materials.

In response to these growing challenges, Ecuador’s Ministry of Environment and the World Food Programme initiated a five-year project to strengthen the resilience and food security of 120 food insecure and vulnerable communities located in the Pichincha province and the Jubones river basin. Local strategies focus on securing access to water and involving communities in determining what types of infrastructure will best protect them from water-related climate impacts, be it water harvesting and storage measures, irrigation and drainage systems, or flood defense. These actions will help to maintain water supplies and provisioning services, partially through reductions in wasted water and the promotion of sustainable practices. Biological measures and natural resource conservation, based on community adaptation plans, are also important components of the project. For example, the project will stabilize hill slopes vulnerable to landslides, restore forest and vegetative cover to conserve water and reduce erosion in moorlands and forest areas, and improve agricultural practices to conserve water and maintain or increase yields to respond to climate threats. The project is intended as a model that can be replicated in other water-stressed areas of Ecuador.


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Project Component 1: Develop awareness, knowledge and capacity at the community level on climate change and food insecurity related risks USD 1,405,000
Project Component 2: Increase adaptive capacity and reduce recurrent risks of climate variability at the community level USD 4,924,200
Project/Programme Execution Cost USD 632,920
Total Project/Programme Cost (=Project Components + Execution Cost) USD 6,962,120
Implementing Fee USD 487,348
Grant Amount (=Total Project/Programme Cost + Implementing Fee)    USD 7,449,468 


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 4 MB
Inception Report PDF 770 KB
PPR1 (for web) XLS 297 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLS 125 KB
PPR3 (for web) XLSX 270 KB
PPR4 (for web) XLSX 216 KB
PPR5 (for web) XLSX 287 KB
PPR6 (for web) XLSX 404 KB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 2 MB
Final evaluation report PDF 4 MB
Project completion report PDF 1 MB
Other project order PDF 32 KB
Other project order PDF 366 KB