The major symptoms of climate change in Uganda include increase in temperatures and increased variability and unpredictability of rainfall patterns that lead to increased frequency and intensity of disasters such as floods and landslides. These have severe impacts on ecosystems, agricultural landscapes and livelihoods especially among the rural populations.

In Uganda, climate change, waterrelated disasters, such as floods, landslides, windstorms and hailstorms, contribute over 70% of the natural disasters and destroy an average of 800,000 ha of crops, with economic losses of over USh 120 billion annually. Uganda’s economy and local communities are vulnerable to climate change and variability due to e.g. heavy reliance on natural resources, particularly within the agricultural sector, dependence on rain-fed agriculture, and close linkages between agricultural performance and climatic changes. As the total demand for water is expected to increase, establishing an integrated water management framework is an important response to the increased demand for water and uncertainties of climate change.

The overall goal of the project is to increase the resilience of communities to the risk of floods and landslides in Awoja, Maziba and Aswa catchments through promoting catchment based integrated, equitable and sustainable management of water and related resources.

The specific objectives of the project are to:

  • Increase the resilience of ecosystems by supporting sustainable management of forests, wetlands and riverbanks
  • Increase the resilience of agricultural landscapes by supporting communities to develop and implement sustainable water harvesting, soil bio-physical and flood control structures
  • Increase resilience of other community livelihood systems by supporting income generating activities with credit and market access
  • Build the capacity of extension services and institutions at local, catchment, water management zone and national level to better support local stakeholders.
Project Component 1: Establishing Frameworks for Climate Resilient Catchment Management in Awoja, Aswa and Maziba catchments US$ 514,500
Project Component 2: Implementing concrete adaptation actions for resilient and sustained ecosystems, control of floods and landslides across agricultural landscapes and diversification of livelihood strategies US$ 4,655,500
Project Component 3: Building capacities of extensions services and institutions at subcatchment, catchment, water management zone and nation level to support local communities and managing knowledge US$ 1,361,000
Total Project Cost US$ 6,531,000
Project Execution Cost US$ 618,000
Project Implementation Cost US$ 602,000
Grant Amount US$ 7,751,000


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 5 MB
Inception Report PDF 2 MB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 144 KB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 1 MB
PPR2 (for web) XLSX 206 KB
PPR3 (for web) XLSX 209 KB
PPR4 (for web) XLSX 234 KB