Rural communities in Cambodia are experiencing falling agricultural productivity as a changing climate leads to more erratic rainfall. These increasingly dramatic fluctuations in precipitation are harming Cambodian farmers and their families by causing more intense periods of drought and floods. In addition to threatening crop yields, the increasingly severe weather is damaging the roads and other infrastructure used by farmers to transport their goods to urban markets. In response, many rural Cambodians are increasingly relying on forest ecosystems for food and income, but the resulting degradation of Cambodian forests is actually reducing the ability of these agricultural communities to adapt by speeding the erosion of the very soil needed to grow crops.


Objectives: The project by the United Nations Environment Programme and Cambodia’s Ministry of Environment will aim to increase food supply and reduce soil erosion in Chiork Beungprey, Chom Thlork, Skor Mreach (all in Beung Per Wildlife Sanctuary), Ronouk Khgeng (Phnom Prech Wildlife Sanctuary) and Chop Tasok (Phnom Kulen National Park) by restoring a variety of plant species to at least 1,875 hectares of degraded forests; enrichment planting of rice paddy boundaries and other cultivated areas with multi-use tree species that will enhance crop productivity; trial plots of several drought-tolerant hybrid rice cultivars in order to assess their potential yield and suitability for cultivation; and intensifying and diversifying the productivity of at least 1,907 family agriculture areas (including home gardens ranging in size from 0.2 hectares to 1 hectares) in communities living around the forest sites.

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Project Component 1: Conducting biophysical, ecological and socioeconomic research to develop restoration protocols for ecoagriculture interventions USD 360,000 
Project Component 2: Using the information generated under Component 1 to implement on-the-ground forest restoration (i.e. establish multi-use forests) and conservation agriculture interventions in the targeted sites USD 3,433,000
Project Component 3: Institutional capacity, awareness raising and upscaling of ecoagriculture interventions USD 387,000 
Project/Programme Execution Cost USD 396,150 
Total Project/Programme Cost (= Project Component + Execution Cost) USD 4,566,150 
Implementing Fee USD 388,123
Grant Amount (= Total Project/Programme Cost + Implementing Fee) USD 4,954,273


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project concept PDF 2 MB
Project document PDF 3 MB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 138 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLSX 138 KB
PPR3 (for web) XLSX 176 KB
PPR4 (for web) XLSX 284 KB
Inception Report PDF 128 KB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 3 MB
PPR5 (for web) XLSX 326 KB
PPR6 (for web) XLSX 368 KB
Other project order PDF 365 KB
Other project order PDF 55 KB
Other project order PDF 65 KB
PPR7 (for web) XLSX 459 KB
Final evaluation report PDF 2 MB