With the emerging challenges of climate change and climate variability, many socio-economic sectors in Tanzania are vulnerable to climate related risks. These include water, where there is a general drying trend of natural water springs and rivers, energy where the hydropower performances are frequently interrupted by drought events, agriculture where crops and livestock suffer the impacts of drought and flooding and increasing occurrences of epidemics from pests and diseases in the health sector. In general, more than 70% of natural disasters in Tanzania are climate related. They are linked to droughts and floods and these have become more frequent as a result of climate change and climate variability. Several studies conducted in various regions and districts in the United Republic of Tanzania, indicate that rural areas especially agro-pastoral communities have been experiencing the effect of climate change through crop failures, decreased crop yields, increased water scarcity and sometimes shrinkage and drying of grazing lands/pastures due to increased and intensified drought periods. The predominance of more bad years as commonly referred by communities in rural areas of Tanzania have negatively impacted farmers‘ livelihoods, their economies and social life. In Kongwa district for example, worryingly, farmers are reporting that both the timing of rainy seasons and the pattern of rains within seasons are changing. These observations of change in climate are striking in that they are widespread throughout the district and are pronounced in remarkably consistent terms in almost all villages of the district.
Objectives: The proposed project seeks to pilot practical and cost effective and community rooted solution to improve livelihood of poor people, restore and habilitate ecological systems, support agriculture and livestock production in Kongwa district. The objective is to enhance climate resilience of more than 320,000 people living in the area and improve livelihood actions towards climate adaptation and transformed environmental actions. Specifically, the proposed project will be addressing the following objectives;
- To enhance climate resilient rural water supply system in vulnerable agro-pastoral communities at Mtanana and Ugogoni wards;
- To support transformation of exploitive agro-pastoral practices to diversified climate smart and sustainable livelihoods;
- To improve ecological functions to sustain climate sensitive livelihoods in Kongwa District;
- To strengthen capacities of institutions, extension services and trainers to reduce risks associated with climate- induced livelihood failures in Kongwa district
Project Component 1: Enhant climate resilient rural water supply system in vulnerable agropastoral communities at Mtanana and Ugogoni wards |
USD 330,000 |
Project Component 2: Support transformation of exploitive agropastoral practices to diversified climate smart and sustainable livelihoods |
USD 430,000 |
Project Component 3: Improve ecological functions to sustain climate sensitive rural livelihoods at Mtanana and Ugogoni wards and in selected rural communities of Kongwa district |
USD 198,285 |
Project Component 4: Strengthen capacities of institutions, extension services and trainers in to reduce risks associated with climate- induced livelihood failures in Kongwa district |
USD 60,000 |
Project/Programme Execution Cost |
USD 95,160.77 |
Total Project/Programme Cost (= Project Components + Execution Cost) |
USD 1,018,285 |
Implementing Fee |
USD 86,554.23 |
Grant Amount (= Total Project/Programme Costs + Implementing Fee) |
USD 1,200,000 |
Project Documents
At A Glance
Tanzania, United Republic of/Africa
Grant Amount:
USD 1,200,000
Transferred Amount:
USD 848,030
Implementing Entity:
National Environment Management Council
Executing Entity:
The Foundation for Energy,Climate and Environment, Kongwa District Council
Approval Date:
Expected Completion Date:
Revised Completion Date:
Project Under Implementation