The Republic of Paraguay is a landlocked country in central South America, bordered by Argentina to the south and southwest, Brazil to the east and northeast and Bolivia to the northwest. The country is divided by the Paraguay River into two regions. To the east of the river is the Eastern Region, with 14 departments and the capital district. To the west of the river is the Western Region or Chaco, which represents more than 60% of the country’s land area and has 3 departments: Presidente Hayes, Alto Paraguay and Boqueron.

According to the Permanent Household Survey 2013, the Paraguayan population considered to be in poverty represents 23.8% of the country’s total population, which means that about 1.6 million people live in households whose income is lower than the cost of a basic basket of consumption estimated for that year.

This project aims to contribute to reducing the vulnerability of food security to the impacts of climate change in El Chaco region of Paraguay. Concrete interventions will be implemented in seven communities, General Diaz, Pozo Hondo and Campo Loa in the Department of Boquerón and Toro Pampa, Colonia Maria Auxiliadora, San Carlos and Bahía Negra in the Department of Alto Paraguay.

In order to do so, the project addresses the main barriers for adaptation in the selected region. Specifically, the project seeks

  • to improve information and knowledge for climate resilience
  • to implement concrete cost-effective on-the-ground adaptation measures
  • to strengthen the institutional capacities to adequately address climate change adaptation issues.


Project Component 1: Knowledge management on vulnerability and resilience to climate change improved with tools and instruments to implement cost-effective adaptation measures US$ 893,483
Project Component 2: Adaptive capacity in rural areas of greatest vulnerability strengthened through concrete adaptation measures favouring an ecosystem-based approach US$ 4,585,466
Project Component 3: Capacity development and awareness to implement and upscale effective implementation of adaptation measures at national and local levels US$ 494,650
Project execution cost US$ 596,400
Total project cost US$ 6,569,999
Implementing Entity Project Cycle Management Fee US$ 558,451
Grant Amount US$ 7,128,450



Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 5 MB
Inception Report PDF 2 MB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 208 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLSX 218 KB
Other project order PDF 365 KB
PPR3 (for web) XLSX 223 KB
Supporting document PDF 781 KB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 2 MB
Supporting document PDF 165 KB
PPR4 (for web) PDF 161 KB
PPR5 (for web) PDF 163 KB