Mongolia is highly vulnerable to extreme weather events including droughts, flash flooding and harsh winters. In addition, unsustainable agriculture and development practices are accelerating the deterioration of the country’s land and water resources and associated ecosystem services. The project will target two eco-regions, the Altai Mountain/Great Lakes Basin and the Eastern Steppe, and aims to maintain the water supplies of the mountain and steppe ecosystems. As a first step, the project plans to provide strategic guidance for development sectors. The National Government and Provincial Governments will then adopt the completed strategies as formal policy to guide future resource management decisions. The project will focus upon better tactics for grazing management, restoration of riparian zones, survivability of biodiversity, and efficiency of water use. Success will be measured by how well community-level implementation improves the overall integrity of water provisioning services within each watershed relevant to climate change challenges. An ecosystem-planning program will be established within each watershed to guide implementation and coordinate future resource management decision-making.

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Project Component 1: Landscape level integrated land use and water resources monitoring and planning system focused upon reduction of ecosystem vulnerability to climate change USD 500,000
Project Component 2: Landscape level adaptation techniques maintaining ecosystem integrity and water security under conditions of climate change USD 3,390,000
Project Component 3: Institutional and policy capacity strengthened to support Ecosystem-based Adaption replication, monitoring, and enforcement for critical watersheds USD 699,124
Project/Programme Execution Cost USD 480,000
Total Project/Programme Cost (= Project Component + Execution Cost) USD 5,069,124
Implementing Fee USD 430,876
Grant Amount (= Total Project/Programme Cost + Implementing Fee)   USD 5,500,000 


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 2 MB
Inception Report PDF 2 MB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 138 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLS 447 KB
PPR3 (for web) XLS 559 KB
PPR4 (for web) XLS 532 KB
PPR5 (for web) XLS 589 KB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 3 MB
Final evaluation report PDF 2 MB