The IGAD member states face severe water constraints and prolonged droughts. Moreover, the region faces uncontrolled activities such as deforestation and poor agricultural practices that lead to reduced water retention capacities, surface runoffs, and soil cover losses. Such activities, not only impact negatively on water resources, the environment and other ecosystems that serve as community livelihood sources, but also increase their vulnerability to droughts. Significantly reduced precipitation levels lead to food insecurity, civil strife over water, food and pastures, drying-up of rivers, streams and aquifers, as well as loss of plant available water in the soils on which smallholder farmers and pastoralists derive their livelihoods.

The overall objective of the project is to increase the resilience of smallholder farmers and pastoralists to climate change risks mainly those related to drought, through the establishment of appropriate early warning systems and implementation of drought adaptation actions in the IGAD region. The anticipated impact of the project will directly benefit a total of 613,530 people.

The project targets to consolidate synergies and adopt innovative and resilient drought management actions from selected IGAD region countries including Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda. More specifically, this project is intended to strengthen the drought resilience of smallholder farmers and pastoralists by:

Project Component 1: Development and enhancement of a regional Drought Early Warning System US$ 2,387,100
Project Component 2: Strengthening the capacity of stakeholders to manage drought risks due to Climate Change effects US$ 1,750,000
Project Component 3: Supporting innovative drought and Climate change adaptation actions US$ 6,279,920
Project Component 4: Enhancing knowledge Management, awareness creation and information sharing US$ 592,000
Project execution cost (including M&E) US$ 1,045,860
Total project cost (execution included) US$ 12,054,880
OSS Management Fee US$ 1,024,660
Grant Amount US$ 13,079,540


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project concept PDF 2 MB
Project document PDF 5 MB
Inception Report PDF 2 MB
PPR2 (for web) XLSX 272 KB
PPR3 (for web) PDF 129 KB