Flooding in the Rioni River Basin has exacted ever-greater tolls on the economy and lives of residents, 40 percent of whom are impoverished. Between 1842 and 2008, 111 incidents of flooding were recorded in the basin with losses ranging from 200,000 to 60 Million USD. The number of flooding events per year has increased in the last decade, with seven events occurring in 2005, six of which were categorized as “strong.” With flood frequency and the occurrence of landslides, flash-floods and mudflows projected to increase, the project objective is to help the governments and the population of the Rioni River Basin to develop adaptive capacity and embark on climate-resilient economic development.


The project, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) aims to assist government officials by introducing a floodplain development policy. The policy development process includes producing hazard and inundation maps, reviewing and changing land use regulations, internalizing climate change risks into floodplain management and spatial planning, and reviewing and streamlining building codes to flood-proof new buildings. It would also arrange targeted training for those national and local authorities who are responsible for climate risk management in advanced methods of forward-looking climate risk management planning and flood prevention measures, and design and implement a community-based flood insurance scheme that would cover highly exposed villages under municipalities. The project would also design flood management practices such as bank terracing, vegetative buffers, and tree revetments, and seasonal land use appropriate for flood plains (e.g. short-season annual cropping, or seasonal cattle pastures). The project will also include the establishment of a flood early-warning system.


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Project Component 1: Floodplain development policy introduced to improve long term resilience to flood / flash flood risks USD 670,000
Project Component 2: Climate resilient practices of flood management developed and implemented to reduce vulnerability of highly exposed communities USD 2,900,000
Project Component 3: Early warning system in place to improve preparedness and adaptive capacity of population USD 1,000,000
Project/Programme Execution Cost USD 330,000
Total Project/Programme Cost (= Project Component + Execution Cost) USD 4,900,000
Implementing Fee USD 416,500
Grant Amount (= Total Project/Programme Cost + Implementing Fee)   USD 5,316,500 

Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 2 MB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 985 KB
Final evaluation report DOCX 145 KB
PPR3 (for web) XLS 333 KB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 141 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLSX 143 KB
PPR4 (for web) XLSX 163 KB