This project aims to develop climate resilience in farming and pastoral communities in the drought-prone Karakalpakstan region of Uzbekistan. The project will develop institutional and technical capacity for drought management and early warning, establish climate resilient farming practices on subsistence dekhkan farms, effect landscape level adaptation measures for soil conservation and moisture retention, and widely foster knowledge of climate resilient agricultural and pastoral production systems in arid lands. The project will improve climate resilience of more than an estimated 1,000,000 ha of land.

The frequent occurrence of drought, an overall trend of desertification of Uzbekistan’s poorest region, Karakalpakstan, places serious strain on water availability, and is causing a decline in land productivity and thus the ability of rural poor to withstand the current and future impacts of climate change. There have been considerable infrastructure investments in the agricultural sector and progressive reforms socially, but vulnerable farmers and pastoralists who reside in arid and marginal lands don’t benefit directly from these improvements. This project is designed to propel positive reform processes in climate adaptation, while also reaching out to the poorest and most marginal to provide urgent adaptation solutions.

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Project Component 1: Institutional capacity and mechanisms for drought risk management and early warning US$ 1,257,000
Project Component 2: Climate resilient agricultural and pastoral production systems US$ 1,377,400
Project Component 3: Landscape level approach to adaptation to climate change risks of increased aridity US$ 1,723,900
Project Component 4: Knowledge management and awareness raising US$ 273,400
Project execution cost US$ 359,178
Total project cost US$ 4,990,878
Implementing Entity Project Cycle Management Fee US$ 424,225
Grant Amount US$ 5,415,103


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 2 MB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 154 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLSX 154 KB
Inception Report DOCX 576 KB
PPR3 (for web) XLSX 151 KB
Mid-term evaluation report DOCX 1 MB
PPR4 (for web) XLSX 196 KB
Other project order PDF 55 KB
PPR5 (for web) XLSX 241 KB
Final evaluation report PDF 4 MB