Cambodia is vulnerable to droughts, floods and sea-level rise. The coastal area is also increasingly affected by strong winds, which are often associated with the onset of thunderstorms. Increases in sea levels are especially alarming for Cambodia’s coastal areas that are already experiencing severe seawater intrusion, beach erosion, high tides, and frequent storm surges. Additional impacts such as land subsidence in the region may even further intensify its effects. In addition, substantial saltwater incursion and coastal erosion has been observed throughout the coastal area, including in all eight of the target communes. Considering the topography of the area; primarily flat coastal plain, characterised by rice paddy and poor settlements, erosion and seawater incursion is having a substantial impact on the ability of people to source their livelihoods.

The main objective of the project is to enhance climate change adaptation and resilience of the most vulnerable coastal human settlements of Cambodia through concrete climate change adaptation actions, particularly in areas where ecotourism has the potential to sustain such interventions. To achieve this objective, the project focuses its actions on highly vulnerable settlements in Kep Province and Prey Nob District of Preah Sihanouk Province.

The anticipated impact of the project will be reflected in the Kep Province, where the project will target four sangkats/communes, with a total of 28,021 direct beneficiaries of the project’s interventions, and in Prey Nob District (in Preah Sihanouk Province) targeting seven communes, with a total of 34,500 beneficiaries.

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Project Component 1: Community scale knowledge and capacity enhanced to sustain the adaptation benefits of the project’s investments USD 280,000
Project Component 2: Government planning and technical capacity enhanced to sustain and enhance the project’s adaptation benefits USD 370,000
Project Component 3: Resilience built through investment in small-scale protective and basic service infrastructure and natural assets USD 3,520,595 
Project execution cost (including M&E) USD 437,700
Total project cost (execution included) USD 4,608,295
UN-Habitat management fee USD 391,705
Grant Amount  USD 5,000,000


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 7 MB
Inception Report PDF 3 MB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 202 KB
PPR2 (for web) PDF 125 KB
Supporting document PDF 4 MB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 1 MB
PPR3 (for web) PDF 131 KB