Background: Eritrea is particularly vulnerable to climate change. Current adaptive capacity is low and the country has Africa’s highest level of food insecurity, accompanied by high levels of malnutrition. Projected climate change impacts are significant and include a temperature increase above the mean global value, increasing variability in rainfall, more frequent dry spells and more severe droughts. The effects of these impacts on water resources and agriculture will exacerbate food insecurity.


Objectives: The overall goal of the programme is to promote increased food security in Eritrea through ecologically sustainable and climate-resilient improvements in agricultural production. The objective of the programme is to increase community resilience and adaptive capacity to climate change through an integrated water management and agricultural development approach in the sub-zobas of Hamelmalo and Habero, Anseba Region, Eritrea. Specifically, the project aims to increase the availability of water through floodwater harvesting and groundwater recharge; promote a range of climate-resilient technologies for enhanced agricultural and livestock production; improve the dissemination of climate risk information among community, civil society and government stakeholders through a community-based early warning system; and capture and disseminate lessons learned through programme activities, and to influence policy through advocacy activities.


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Project Component 1: Increased water availability for farmers USD 3,056,400
Project Component 2:  Climate-resilient production USD 1,250,000
Project Component 3: Improved climate risk information and community preparedness USD 750,000
Project Component 4: Knowledge management and policy advocacy USD 366,600
Project/Programme Execution Cost USD 587,000
Total Project/Programme Cost (= Project Components + Execution Cost) USD 6,010,000
Implementing Fee USD 510,850
Grant Amount (= Total Project/Programme Cost + Implementing Fee)   USD 6,520,850 

Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 4 MB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 114 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLS 280 KB
PPR3 (for web) XLS 376 KB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 3 MB
PPR4 (for web) XLS 282 KB
Other project order PDF 15 KB
Other project order PDF 364 KB
Final evaluation report PDF 4 MB