The World Food Programme (WFP) estimates that Southern Egypt, a region that is already economically stressed and whose food supplies are under constant threat of disruption, stands to lose a minimum of 30 percent of its food production by 2050 as a result of climate change impacts. These impacts include reduced crop and livestock productivity, increasing crop-water demand and reduced water use efficiency, and increases in pest and disease infestations.
In response, the Government has proposed a project that aims to 1) improve the adaptive capacity of the Southern zone in the face of anticipated climate-induced reduction in food production through the introduction and use of water saving irrigation and other adaptation techniques; the establishment of agro-forestry greenhouses and plots with sub-surface irrigation, including nurseries for growing trees and new varieties; and the development of livestock and poultry hubs for selection and breeding of new heat resistant varieties. 2) build institutional capacity at the national, regional, and local levels to enable sustainability and replication throughout the zone and the country to understand climate trends and impacts; replicate adaptation interventions through the training of government technical staff; document lessons learned and best practices; share project results and lessons learned; mainstream new approaches in local and regional planning; and target universities through curriculum. The two objectives are cornerstones of Egypt’s National Adaptation Strategy.


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Component 1: Adaptation through technology development and transfer USD 4,536,124
Component 2: Institutional capacity building at the central and local levels for scaling up climate resilience of farming communities USD 1,302,129
Project/Programme Execution Cost USD 554,634
Total Project/Programme Cost (=Project Components + Execution Cost) USD 6,392,888
Implementing Fee USD 511,431
Grant Amount (=Total Project/Programme Cost + Implementing Fee) USD 6,904,318


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 5 MB
Project concept PDF 1 MB
PPR1 (for web) XLS 268 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLS 330 KB
PPR3 (for web) XLS 397 KB
PPR4 (for web) XLSX 174 KB
PPR5 (for web) XLSX 166 KB
PPR6 (for web) XLSX 163 KB
Other project order PDF 43 KB
Other project order PDF 364 KB
Other project order PDF 53 KB
Project completion report PDF 477 KB
Final evaluation report PDF 4 MB
PPR7 (for web) XLSX 162 KB