Climate change and climate variability is expected to affect rainfall patterns, temperatures and to decrease water availability. Adaptation measures must address key challenges posed by climate change. The overall objective of the project is to address key climate vulnerabilities in agriculture and water resources management in the rice and cocoa value chain, and hence contribute to immediate and longer-term development and resilience needs of poor vulnerable smallholder farmers in Liberia. The resilience of the cocoa and rice sector can only be achieved by identifying and implementing a comprehensive set of agricultural practices and agricultural diversification strategy through integrated farming systems designed to increase yields for cash crop (cacao) and staple crop (rice), minimize environmental degradation while maintaining the ecological functions and the rice and cocoa production value chains.

There are four specific objectives of the project, each of which consisting of a set of interrelated activities aimed at reducing the effects of climate change on agricultural activities. These specific objectives are: i) Productivity, ii) Institutional capacity, iii) Alternative livelihoods for youth and women, and iv) Regulatory environment and institutional capacity.

Project Component 1: Climate-proofed agricultural production and post-harvest combined with livelihood diversification USD 5,331,036
Project Component 2: Climate resilient rural transportation and water infrastructure USD  1,953,867
Project Component 3: Institutional capacity building and policy engagement USD 1,183,132
Project execution cost USD 372,594
Total Project Cost USD 8,840,629
Implementing Entity Project Cycle Management Fee USD 751,453
Grant Amount USD  9,592,082


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 8 MB
Inception Report PDF 602 KB
PPR1 (for web) PDF 91 KB
PPR2 (for web) PDF 92 KB