As climate change brings more extreme weather, residents in and around Honduras’ capital city have begun to struggle with adapting to the changing conditions. With financing from the Adaptation Fund, and working with Honduras’ Secretaría de Recursos Naturales (SERNA), the UNDP has been building climate resilience in these and twelve other urban communities in Tegucigapla and the upper Choluteca watershed. In Campo Cielo, rooftop rainwater harvesting systems have been installed on thirty-eight homes. These direct water running off the roofs during rainfall events to a 63,000 liter storage tank at the General School San Martin, where it is used for the bathrooms, cleaning and in the school garden.

In Cantarero Lopez, Adaptation Fund financing supported infrastructure improvements along the main road, including climate-proofing the road and sidewalks, and installing ditches to direct the rainfall out of the road.

The overall objective of the project is to increase resilience to climate change and water-related risks for the most vulnerable population in Honduras through pilot activities and an overarching intervention to mainstream climate change considerations into water sector policies. The specific project objectives are:

  • Strengthen institutional structures to mainstream climate risks into water resources management, national planning
  • Assist in safeguarding water supplies of Tegucigalpa metro area against water scarcity and extreme climate events
  • Build capacity and outreach to enable all stakeholders to respond to long-term climate change impacts

AdaptationStory-Honduras 09.2014

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Project Component 1: Relevant institutional structures including the National Water Authority, strengthened for mainstreaming climate change risks into water resources management as well as into national planning, public investment-budgeting and decision-making processes USD 1,358,500
Project Component 2: Comprehensive measures piloted to safeguard Tecucigalpa City and environs’ water supplies in response to existing and projected water scarcity and to the vulnerability to extreme climate USD 2,950,000
Project Component 3: Targeted capacity building and outreach enable stakeholders at all levels to effectively respond to long-term climate change impacts USD 310,000
Project execution cost (including M&E) USD 561,500
Total project cost (execution included) USD 5,180,000
UNDP management fee USD 440,300
Grant Amount  USD 5,620,300


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Other project order PDF 213 KB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 270 KB
Inception Report PDF 2 MB
PPR1 (for web) XLS 2 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLS 2 KB
PPR3 (for web) XLSX 2 KB
PPR4 (for web) XLS 2 KB
Project document PDF 2 KB
Final evaluation report PDF 883 KB