The overall main objective is to enhance climate resilience and build adaptive capacity toward climate change for vulnerable community through sustainable integrated watershed governance in Indigenous People of Ammatoa Kajang Customary Area in Bulukumba, South Sulawesi Province. The program will deliver this objective and will have these four outcomes

  • Outcome 1. Reduced climate change vulnerability and risk by improving management and governance of watersheds in Indigenous People of Ammatoa Kajang customary area in Bulukumba.
  • Outcome 2. Enhanced resilience of people in Indigenous People of Ammatoa Kajang customary area with climate adaptive sustainable livelihood development and climate mitigation actions.
  • Outcome 3. Advanced Sustainable Integrated Watershed Governance adaptive to Climate Change on regency development planning and development budgeting in Bulukumba regency.
  • Outcome 4. Raising awareness and Increased knowledge of local people on the importance of watershed and climate change impact.
Project Component 1: Developing model of sustainable integrated watershed management inside the Indigenous People of Ammatoa Kajang customary area (Apparang, Baontoa and Raowa Watershed) USD 188,732.09
Project Component 2: Promoting and practicing sustainable livelihood adaptive to climate change at the three watershed landscapes in the Indigenous People of Ammatoa Kajang customary area. USD 615,105.23
Project Component 3: Lobbying and Policy Advocacy for climate adaptive sustainable integrated watershed management and Climate Adaptation Action plan to regency government of Bulukumba and South Sulawesi Provincial government. USD 78,088.43
Project Component 4: Raising awareness, knowledge management and disseminating information on the importance of watershed and climate change impact to the Indigenous People of Ammatoa Kajang customary area. USD 56,451.49
Project Execution Cost USD 98,503.09
Total Project Cost USD 938,377.24
Implementing Entity Project Cycle Management Fee USD 88,134.83
Grant Amount USD  1,125,015.16


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project concept PDF 1 MB
Project document PDF 4 MB
Inception Report PDF 9 MB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 5 MB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 634 KB
Other project order PDF 260 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLSX 336 KB