The project seeks to enhance climate adaptation and food security of households through access to integrated climate risk management strategies and structured market opportunities, with a focus on the most vulnerable. The project, thus, purposely targets those who are most affected by climate change, poverty, and food insecurity and who rely on agricultural livelihoods that are limited by and vulnerable to climatic shocks, especially women and other marginalized groups. In addition to extending and enhancing coverage of ongoing programmes to vulnerable areas, the project will facilitate a government-led implementation process that catalyzes multi-sectoral collaborative action, breaking the siloed approach to programme delivery.

The overall objective of this project is to deliver assistance in a way that develops the individual’s capacity to adapt to climate change and become self-reliant. As a result, 85,000 households (382,500 beneficiaries) in Balaka, Zomba, and Machinga districts in 22 Traditional Authorities (TAs) are targeted in this project. A total of 23,600 farmers from the 3 districts will benefit from access to market access opportunities including through farmer associations and cooperatives throughout the duration of the project and who have surplus production.

The project approach is to establish sustainable and viable mechanisms for vulnerable and food insecure households to access different strategies and tools under an integrated climate risk management approach and access to market-based opportunities.

Project Component 1: Improved access to insurance as a risk transfer mechanism for targeted farmers affected by climate change and food insecurity USD 3,179,175
Project Component 2: Adopted climate resilient agriculture practices among targeted farmers contributing to the integrated climate risk management approach USD 1,904,895
Project Component 3: Strengthened market access strategies and approaches for smallholder farmers USD 3,323,931
Project execution cost (including M&E) USD  798,760 
Total project cost (execution included) USD 9,206,760
UNWFP management fee USD 782,575 
Grant Amount  USD 9,989,335


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 1 MB
Inception Report PDF 828 KB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 310 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLSX 429 KB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 327 KB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 2 MB
PPR3 (for web) PDF 255 KB