Rural populations are facing significant challenges from climate change due to a combination of factors including a lack of resources, information, and institutional capacity to adapt. By combining climate change adaptation with traditional development, the vulnerability of these populations can be reduced, and their adaptive capacity improved. Projects focused on rural development typically focus on a combination of factors, such as reversing land degradation and enhancing ecosystem services, to improve a rural population’s ability to cope with climate change as well as their ability to generate income.

Enhancing Resilience of Communities and Ecosystems in the Face of a Changing Climate in Arid and Semi-arid Areas of Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe - Africa

Increasing adaptive capacity of local communities, ecosystems and hydroelectric systems in the Río Blanco upper watershed (Toachi-Pilatón watershed) with a focus on Ecosystem and Community Based Adaptation and Integrated Adaptive Watershed Management

Ecuador - Latin America & Caribbean

The proposed project general aims at strengthening the adaptive capacity of vulnerable populations, ecosystems and hydroelectric systems in the Río Blanco upper watershed and develop a model of adaptation to climate change that can be replicated in similar context in the country and in the region. The specific objectives of the project are: Reduce the impact