Press Releases

Press Releases

803, 2022

[International Women’s Day 2022] New Adaptation Fund Study Demonstrates Value of Intersectional Approaches in Gender Mainstreaming

8 March 2022|Press Releases|

2802, 2022

Adaptation Fund Poised to Support Accelerated Adaptation Response, in Wake of New IPCC Report

28 February 2022|Press Releases|

1101, 2022

Adaptation Fund Invites Broad Input from Stakeholders as it Begins Development of Next Five-Year Strategy

11 January 2022|Press Releases|

911, 2021

Adaptation Fund Raises Record US$ 356 Million in New Pledges at COP26 for its Concrete Actions to Most Vulnerable

9 November 2021|Press Releases|

311, 2021

A Joint Statement by the Secretariats of the AF, GCF, GEF and CIFs on Enhanced Complementarity and Collaboration

3 November 2021|Press Releases|

2610, 2021

Adaptation Fund Board Clears Over US$ 42 Million in New Programmes at 37th Meeting

26 October 2021|Press Releases|

510, 2021

Wake Up to the Looming Water Crisis, Report Warns

5 October 2021|Press Releases|

809, 2021

Adaptation Fund Accredits Pacific Community to Accelerate Climate Action in Pacific Region

8 September 2021|Press Releases|

1808, 2021

Adaptation Fund Expands Access to Climate Finance in Bangladesh through PKSF’s Direct Access Accreditation

18 August 2021|Press Releases|

2607, 2021

Joint Statement by the Adaptation Fund, Climate Investment Funds, Green Climate Fund, Global Environment Facility, LDCF, SCCF

26 July 2021|Press Releases|

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