Press Releases

2203, 2018

New Adaptation Fund Board Chair: ‘Fund’s Effective Work Changing Lives of Vulnerable Populations at Local Level’

22 March 2018|

803, 2018

Adaptation Fund Five-Year Strategy Fosters Activities Based on Pillars of Action, Innovation, and Learning and Sharing

8 March 2018|

3101, 2018

Adaptation Fund Enhances Access to Climate Finance in Bhutan

31 January 2018|

1512, 2017

Brussels-Capital Region of Belgium Pledges New Support to the Adaptation Fund for those Most Vulnerable to Climate Change

15 December 2017|

2211, 2017

Adaptation Fund Contributors Came Through for Fund at COP 23 with Record Support for Most Climate-Vulnerable

22 November 2017|

1811, 2017

Adaptation Fund ‘Shall Serve the Paris Agreement’, As CMP 13 Parties Formally Recognize its Concrete Actions to Most Vulnerable

18 November 2017|

1511, 2017

Adaptation Fund to Celebrate 10 Years of Pioneering Climate Innovation, Action and Learning at Special Bonn Event

15 November 2017|

1511, 2017

Adaptation Fund: Building Resilience to Climate Change and Disasters in Pacific and other Small Island Developing States

15 November 2017|

1311, 2017

Agricultural Bank of Niger Becomes 27th National Implementing Entity of Adaptation Fund’s Pioneering Direct Access Modality

13 November 2017|

1111, 2017

Adaptation Fund Side Event Showcases Environmental and Social Policies in Helping Ensure Focus on Most Vulnerable

11 November 2017|

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