
News & Events

1405, 2020

Learning and sharing is key to climate adaptation and resilience building

14 May 2020|Project Stories|

1105, 2020

Adaptation Fund Board Accredits New Direct Access Entity FIRCA in Côte d’Ivoire, Enhancing Access to Climate Finance

11 May 2020|Press Releases|

2804, 2020

UNDP Uzbekistan: Climate change adaptation measures ensure food security in Karakalpakstan

28 April 2020|In The News|

1304, 2020

Adaptation Fund Study Provides Concrete Successes, Lessons and Potential Models for Integrating Gender Considerations in Climate Change Adaptation Projects

13 April 2020|Press Releases|

904, 2020

UNDP – From Communities to Healthcare Workers

9 April 2020|In The News|

704, 2020

UN-Habitat: Urban-LEDS project participants share their experiences at the 10th World Urban Forum

7 April 2020|In The News|

204, 2020

New Adaptation Fund Board Chair Aims to Build on AF Achievements, Expand AF Revenue Sources and Country Funding Opportunities

2 April 2020|Press Releases|

2803, 2020

Observer Registration for the Second Session of the 35th Adaptation Fund Board Meeting

28 March 2020|Uncategorized|

2403, 2020

Adaptation Fund in Lao PDR

24 March 2020|Project Stories|

1803, 2020

Notification to National, Regional and Multilateral Implementing Entities of the Adaptation Fund in relation to COVID-19 outbreak

18 March 2020|Announcements, Press Releases|

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