
News & Events

311, 2021

A Joint Statement by the Secretariats of the AF, GCF, GEF and CIFs on Enhanced Complementarity and Collaboration

3 November 2021|Press Releases|

2810, 2021

[Devex] The Adaptation Fund’s climate finance quest

28 October 2021|In The News|

2810, 2021

Adaptation Fund at COP26: an innovator and a pioneer in climate adaptation

28 October 2021|News Multimedia|

2610, 2021

Adaptation Fund Board Clears Over US$ 42 Million in New Programmes at 37th Meeting

26 October 2021|Press Releases|

1510, 2021

BLOG: Adaptation Fund’s Ethics and Safeguards Standards Strengthen, Evolve with Overall Growth of Fund

15 October 2021|News Multimedia|

510, 2021

Wake Up to the Looming Water Crisis, Report Warns

5 October 2021|Press Releases|

2709, 2021

Observer Registration for the 37th Adaptation Fund Board Meeting

27 September 2021|Uncategorized|

809, 2021

Adaptation Fund Accredits Pacific Community to Accelerate Climate Action in Pacific Region

8 September 2021|Press Releases|

3108, 2021

[UNDP] El Salvador accelerates nature-based climate actions through UNDP-supported project financed by the Adaptation Fund

31 August 2021|In The News|

1808, 2021

Adaptation Fund Expands Access to Climate Finance in Bangladesh through PKSF’s Direct Access Accreditation

18 August 2021|Press Releases|

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