42nd AFB Meeting

The following documents are related to this meeting of the Board and its committees.

Board Documents

Document Code Title Attached files
AFB/B.42/11 Independent Review of the Environmental and Social Policy of the Adaptation Fund with a Proposal for its Update
AFB/B.42/12 Definitions of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEAH) and Options for a Policy on Safeguarding Against SEAH
AFB/B.42/.4 Report of the Forty-First Meeting of the Accreditation Panel
AFB/B.42/.6 Analysis of the Provisions of the Operational Policies and Guidelines for Parties to Access Resources from the Adaptation Fund related to the Designated Authorities of Fund
AFB/B.42/14 Decisions of CMP18, CMA5 and COP28 relating to the Adaptation Fund and the relevant matters to be considered by the Adaptation Fund Board
AFB/B.42/15 Update on resource mobilization for the Fund
AFB/B.42/Inf.2 Adaptation Fund Board members and alternates
AFB/B.42/.5 Gap Analysis of the Accreditation and Re-Accreditation Process
AFB/B.42/.9 (Draft) Adaptation Fund Vision and Guidelines on Enhanced Civil Society Engagement
AFB/B.42/.9/Add.1 (Draft) Guidelines for Participation of Active Civil Society Observers
AFB/B.42/10 Options for reducing carbon footprint of the Adaptation Fund
AFB/B.42/.1 Provisional agenda
AFB/B.42/.2 Annotated provisional agenda
AFB/B.42/.3 Report on activities of the secretariat
AFB/B.42/Inf.4 Report on activities of the Chair
AFB/B.42/Inf.3 List of observers
AFB/B.42/Inf.1 List of documents
AFB/B.42/16/Rev.1 Decisions of the Adaptation Fund Board at its forty-second meeting

Meeting Reports

Document Code Title Attached files
AFB/B.42/17 Report of the forty-second meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board (18-19 April 2024)

Ethics and Finance Committee (EFC)

Document Code Title Attached files
AFB/EFC.33/Inf.6 Summary of Ex Post Evaluation #3 of AF Project Arg/Mie/Rural/2011/1 Increasing Climate Resilience and Enhancing Sustainable Land Management in the Southwest Of The Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
AFB/EFC.33/Inf.7 Summary of Ex Post Evaluation #4 of AF Project Arg/NIE/Agri/2011/1 Enhancing the Adaptive Capacity and Increasing Resilience of Small-Size Agriculture Producers in Northeast Argentina
AFB/EFC.33/Inf.2 Work programme update report of the Technical Evaluation Reference Group of the Adaptation Fund (AF-TERG) – Progress for fiscal year 2023-2024 (FY24)
AFB/EFC.33/.5 Administrative budgets of the Board and Secretariat, AF-TERG and its secretariat, and Trustee for fiscal year 2025
AFB/EFC.33/.4 Work plan for fiscal year 2025
AFB/EFC.33/.3 Adaptation Fund Trust Fund: Financial report prepared by the trustee (as at 31 December 2023)
AFB/EFC.33/.7 Revised Terms of Reference for the AF-TERG
AFB/EFC.33/.8 Observations on Project Post-Approval Requests for Changes Received by the Secretariat
AFB/EFC.33/.6/Rev. 1 Work Program and Multi-Year Budgets of the Technical Evaluation Reference Group of the Adaptation Fund for the Period 2025-2027
AFB/EFC.33/.1 Provisional agenda
AFB/EFC.33/.2 Annotated provisional agenda
AFB/EFC.33/10 Approach to the Design of the Terms of Reference for the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Adaptation Fund and the Mid Term Review of the Second Medium Term Strategy of the Adaptation Fund
AFB/EFC.33/12 AF-TERG Thematic Evaluation of Scalability Concepts and Practice at the Adaptation Fund
AFB/EFC.33/11 Update on the AF-TERG Thematic Evaluation on the Adaptation Fund Accreditation Process
AFB/EFC.33/.9 Update on implications of the fiduciary issues related to the United Nations Development Programme [Confidential] - the document will not be posted
AFB/EFC.33/13/Rev.1 Report of the thirty-third meeting of the Ethics and Finance Committee of the Adaptation Fund Board
AFB/EFC.33/Inf.1 Trustee Presentation: Update on status of resources and CER monetization

Project/Programme Review Committee (PPRC)

Document Code Title Attached files
AFB/PPRC.33/.1/Rev.2 Provisional Agenda
AFB/PPRC.33/.4 Proposal for Belize
AFB/PPRC.33/.5 Proposal for Benin
AFB/PPRC.33/.6 Proposal for Zimbabwe
AFB/PPRC.33/.7 Proposal for Fiji
AFB/PPRC.33/.8 Proposal for Uruguay
AFB/PPRC.33/.9 Proposal for Cambodia
AFB/PPRC.33/10 Proposal for Georgia
AFB/PPRC.33/11 Proposal for Nicaragua
AFB/PPRC.33/12 Proposal for Armenia
AFB/PPRC.33/12/Add.1 Project formulation grant for Armenia
AFB/PPRC.33/13 Proposal for Indonesia (1)
AFB/PPRC.33/13/Add.1 Project formulation grant for Indonesia (1)
AFB/PPRC.33/14 Proposal for Indonesia (2)
AFB/PPRC.33/14/Add.1 Project formulation grant for Indonesia (2)
AFB/PPRC.33/15 Proposal for Mexico
AFB/PPRC.33/15/Add.1 Project formulation grant for Mexico
AFB/PPRC.33/16 Proposal for Argentina
AFB/PPRC.33/17 Proposal for Bosnia and Herzegovina
AFB/PPRC.33/18 Proposal for Uzbekistan
AFB/PPRC.33/19 Proposal for Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
AFB/PPRC.33/19/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
AFB/PPRC.33/20 Proposal for Bangladesh, Nepal
AFB/PPRC.33/20/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Bangladesh, Nepal
AFB/PPRC.33/21 Proposal for Costa Rica, Panama
AFB/PPRC.33/21/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Costa Rica, Panama
AFB/PPRC.33/22 Proposal for Guinea, Kenya, Sao Tome and Principe
AFB/PPRC.33/22/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Guinea, Kenya, Sao Tome and Principe
AFB/PPRC.33/24 Proposal for Enhanced Direct Access Grant for Honduras
AFB/PPRC.33/25 Proposal for Enhanced Direct Access Grant for Peru
AFB/PPRC.33/26 Proposal for Enhanced Direct Access Grant for Armenia
AFB/PPRC.33/27 Proposal for Enhanced Direct Access Grant for Côte d'Ivoire
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf.1 Proposal for Armenia (1)
AFB/PPRC.33/30 Proposal for Large Innovation Project for Burundi
AFB/PPRC.33/33 Proposal for Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA) Small Grants Programme proposal
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf.2 Proposal for Peru
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf.3 Proposal for Bangladesh
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf.4 Proposal for Pakistan
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf.5 Proposal for Zambia
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf.6 Proposal for Indonesia (3)
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf.7 Proposal for Indonesia (4)
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf.8 Proposal for Albania
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf.9 Proposal for Bolivia
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf10 Proposal for Botswana
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf11 Proposal for Lebanon
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf12 Proposal for Malawi
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf13 Proposal for Somalia
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf14 Proposal for Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Niger, Nigeria
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf15 Proposal for Cuba, Panama
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf16 Proposal for Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf17 Proposal for Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf18 Proposal for Cambodia, Lao PDR, Vietnam, Thailand
AFB/PPRC.33/26/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Enhanced Direct Access Proposal for Armenia
AFB/PPRC.33/27/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Enhanced Direct Access Proposal for Côte d'Ivoire
AFB/PPRC.33/23 Report of the Secretariat on Initial Screening/Technical Review of Enhanced Direct Access Proposals
AFB/PPRC.33/28 Report of the Secretariat on Initial Screening/Technical review of Large Innovation Project Proposals
AFB/PPRC.33/32 Report of the Secretariat on Initial Screening/Technical Review of Adaptation Climate Innovation Accelerator Programme (AFCIA) Proposals
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf19 Proposal for Large Innovation Project for Bangladesh
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf20 Proposal for Large Innovation Project for Uganda
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf21 Proposal for Innovation Small Grant for Armenia
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf22 Proposal for Innovation Small Grant for Chile
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf23 Proposal for Provision of Coordination Services for the Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA) Partnership
AFB/PPRC.33/.3/Rev.1 Report of the secretariat on initial screening/technical review of project and programme proposals
AFB/PPRC.33/34 Report of the secretariat on initial/technical review of learning grant proposals
AFB/PPRC.33/35 Proposal for learning grant for Armenia
AFB/PPRC.33/38 Full cost of adaptation reasoning
AFB/PPRC.33/46 Request for change in project outputs and target sites: Argentina Uruguay (CAF)
AFB/PPRC.33/44 Request for deletion of project output and material change: Cambodia (UN-Habitat)
AFB/PPRC.33/40 Options for modifications of project formulation grants
AFB/PPRC.33/39 Additional delivery modalities for expanding support to locally-led adaptation
AFB/PPRC.33/41/Rev.1 Analysis of the current needs for external support for advisory services for innovation and options for support
AFB/PPRC.33/47 Report to explore broadening technical assistance grants under the readiness programme
AFB/PPRC.33/37 Proposal for changes to learning grants
AFB/PPRC.33/42 Options on the Further use of Adapatation Fund Resources to Fund Innovation
AFB/PPRC.33/31 Report of the Secretariat on the Initial Screening/ Technical Review of Innovation Small Grant Proposals
AFB/PPRC.33/29 Proposal for Large Innovation Project for Bhutan
AFB/PPRC.33/45 Request for Revision of Project Target Areas, Executing entity and Project Extension for Innovation Small Grant project for Chile (AGCID)
AFB/PPRC.33/36 Annually-determined Funding Provisions for Fiscal Year 2025
AFB/PPRC.33/.2 Annotated Provisional Agenda
AFB/PPRC.33/Inf24 Report of the secretariat on the intersessional review cycle for readiness grants