The following documents are related to this meeting of the Board and its committees.

Board Documents

Document Code Title Attached files
AFB/B.39/.1/Rev.1 Provisional Agenda
AFB/B.39/.5/Rev.2 Draft Medium Term Strategy (2023-2027)
AFB/B.39/.5/Rev.2 Annex 2 Draft Medium Term Strategy (2023-2027)
AFB/B.39/.8 Options for a policy or guidelines to further enhance civil society participation and engagement in the work of the Fund
AFB/B.39/12 Diversification of meeting venues
AFB/B.39/.9 Decisions of CMP16, CMA3 and COP26 relating to the Adaptation Fund and the relevant matters to be considered by the Adaptation Fund Board
AFB/B.39/.9/Add.1 Proposed amendment of strategic priorities, policies, and guidelines of the Adaptation Fund adopted by the CMP (SPPG) (Annex I to the OPG)
AFB/B.39/.9/Add.2 Proposed amendment of operational policies and guidelines for parties to access resources from the Adaptation Fund (OPG)
AFB/B.39/.7 Update on strategic discussion on objectives and further steps of the fund: potential linkages between the Fund and the Green Climate Fund
AFB/B.39/Inf.4 Agenda of the civil society dialogue at the Thirty-ninth Meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board
AFB/B.39/.6/Rev.1 Draft Resource Mobilization Strategy 2022-2025
AFB/B.39/11 Update on the piloting of the use of indicators for innovation
AFB/B.39/Inf.3 List of Observers
AFB/B.39/13 Report of the task force on the matters related to top-level management statement to be submitted by implementing entities for accreditation and re-accreditation
AFB/B.39/.4 Report of the Thirty-eitghth meeting of the Accreditation Panel
AFB/B.39/Inf.2 Adaptation Fund Board Members and Alternates
AFB/B.39/.3 Report on Activities of the Secretariat
AFB/B.39/.2 Annotated provisional agenda
AFB/B.39/10 Further analysis on elements related to innovation: mapping finance for innovation, risk appetite, and options for the Innovation Advisory Body
AFB/B.39/Inf.5 Report on activities of the Chair
AFB/B.39/Inf.1 List of documents
AFB/B.39/14 Decision document for the Thirty-ninth meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board
AFB/B.39/.6/Add.1/Rev.2 Resource Mobilization Strategy 2022-2025

Meeting Reports

Document Code Title Attached files
AFB/B.39/15 Report of the Thirty-ninth Meeting of AFB (13-14 October 2022)

Ethics and Finance Committee (EFC)

Document Code Title Attached files
AFB/EFC.30/.1/Rev.1 Provisional Agenda
AFB/EFC.30/.3/Rev.1 Annual Performance Report for Fiscal Year 2022
AFB/EFC.30/.8/Rev.1 Draft framework for the development of evaluation policy guidance documents (AF-TERG)
AFB/EFC.30/.6 Progress report on the management response and action plan - Mid-term review of the Medium-term Strategy
AFB/EFC.30/.7 Update on implications of the fiduciary issues related to the United Nations Development Programme [CONFIDENTIAL] --- The document will not be posted.
AFB/EFC.30/11 Options for the overall evaluation of the Fund (AF-TERG)
AFB/EFC.30/.5 Reconciliation of the administrative budgets of the Board and the Secretariat, the Evaluation Function, and the Trustee for fiscal year 2022
AFB/EFC.30/.4 Adaptation Fund Trust Fund: Financial Report prepared by the Trustee (As at 30 June 2022)
AFB/EFC.30/Inf.3 Information update on phase 2 of the ex post project sustainability evaluations (AF-TERG)
AFB/EFC.30/10 Thematic Evaluation of the Adaptation Fund’s experience with innovation (AF-TERG)
AFB/EFC.30/.9 Revision of the administrative budget of the AF-TERG and its secretariat for fiscal year 2023
AFB/EFC.30/.2 Annotated provisional agenda
AFB/EFC.30/Inf.1 Trustee presentation: Update on status of resources and CER monetization
AFB/EFC.30/Inf.2 [Canceled document]

Project/Programme Review Committee (PPRC)

Document Code Title Attached files
AFB/PPRC.30/.1/Rev.1 Provisional Agenda
AFB/PPRC.30/.4 Proposal for Bhutan
AFB/PPRC.30/.5 Proposal for Uganda (1)
AFB/PPRC.30/.6 Proposal for Uganda (2)
AFB/PPRC.30/.7 Proposal for Zimbabwe
AFB/PPRC.30/.8 Proposal for Montenegro
AFB/PPRC.30/.9 Proposal for Sri Lanka
AFB/PPRC.30/10/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Indonesia (1)
AFB/PPRC.30/10 Proposal for Indonesia (1)
AFB/PPRC.30/11 Proposal for Indonesia (2)
AFB/PPRC.30/11/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Indonesia (2)
AFB/PPRC.30/12 Proposal for Indonesia (3)
AFB/PPRC.30/12/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Indonesia (3)
AFB/PPRC.30/13 Proposal for Indonesia (4)
AFB/PPRC.30/13/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Indonesia (4)
AFB/PPRC.30/14 Proposal for Indonesia (5)
AFB/PPRC.30/14/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Indonesia (5)
AFB/PPRC.30/15 Proposal for Indonesia (6)
AFB/PPRC.30/15/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Indonesia (6)
AFB/PPRC.30/16 Proposal for Indonesia (7)
AFB/PPRC.30/16/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Indonesia (7)
AFB/PPRC.30/17 Proposal for Indonesia (8)
AFB/PPRC.30/17/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Indonesia (8)
AFB/PPRC.30/18 Proposal for Indonesia (9)
AFB/PPRC.30/18/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Indonesia (9)
AFB/PPRC.30/19 Proposal for Indonesia (10)
AFB/PPRC.30/19/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Indonesia (10)
AFB/PPRC.30/21/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Mexico (2)
AFB/PPRC.30/20 Proposal for Mexico (1)
AFB/PPRC.30/21 Proposal for Mexico (2)
AFB/PPRC.30/22 Proposal for Mexico (3)
AFB/PPRC.30/22/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Mexico (3)
AFB/PPRC.30/23 Proposal for Niger
AFB/PPRC.30/23/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Niger
AFB/PPRC.30/24 Proposal for Peru
AFB/PPRC.30/25/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Tuvalu
AFB/PPRC.30/25 Proposal for Tuvalu
AFB/PPRC.30/26 Proposal for Fiji
AFB/PPRC.30/27 Proposal for Georgia
AFB/PPRC.30/28 Proposal for Guinea
AFB/PPRC.30/29 Proposal for Lao People's Democratic Republic
AFB/PPRC.30/30 Proposal for Libya
AFB/PPRC.30/31 Proposal for Maldives
AFB/PPRC.30/32 Proposal for Mongolia
AFB/PPRC.30/33 Proposal for Zambia
AFB/PPRC.30/34 Proposal for Antigua Barbuda, Saint Lucia
AFB/PPRC.30/35 Proposal for El Salvador, Honduras
AFB/PPRC.30/36 Proposal for India, Sri Lanka
AFB/PPRC.30/37 Proposal for Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal
AFB/PPRC.30/37/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal
AFB/PPRC.30/38 Proposal for Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu
AFB/PPRC.30/38/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu
AFB/PPRC.30/40 Proposal for Enhanced Direct Access for Rwanda
AFB/PPRC.30/41 Proposal for Enhanced Direct Access for Peru
AFB/PPRC.30/43 Proposal for Large Innovation Project for Viet Nam
AFB/PPRC.30/44 Proposal for Large Innovation Project for Chile
AFB/PPRC.30/45 Proposal for Large Innovation Project for Bhutan
AFB/PPRC.30/46 Proposal for Large Innovation Project for Kenya, Uganda
AFB/PPRC.30/48 Proposal for Small Innovation Grant for Chile (1)
AFB/PPRC.30/49 Proposal for Small Innovation Grant for Chile (2)
AFB/PPRC.30/50 Proposal for Small Innovation Grant for Chile (3)
AFB/PPRC.30/51 Proposal for Small Innovation Grant for Indonesia
AFB/PPRC.30/52 Proposal for Small Innovation Grant for Senegal
AFB/PPRC.30/44/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Chile
AFB/PPRC.30/46/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Kenya, Uganda
AFB/PPRC.30/.2/Rev.1 Annotated Provisional Agenda
AFB/PPRC.30/.3/Rev.1 Report of the secretariat on initial screening/technical review of project and programme proposals
AFB/PPRC.30/54 Updated Guidance for Implementing Entities on the Use of Unidentified Sub-Projects
AFB/PPRC.30/39 Report of the secretariat on initial screening/technical review of enhanced direct access project and programme proposals
AFB/PPRC.30/55 Options for further supporting the work of the PPRC
AFB/PPRC.30/53 Request for Changes: Deletion of Output, Change in Project Outputs' Indicators Targets and Budget Revision: UN-Habitat (Jordan Lebanon)
AFB/PPRC.30/42 Report of the secretariat on initial screening/technical review of large innovation project proposals
AFB/PPRC.30/47 Report of the secretariat on initial screening/technical review of innovation small grant project proposals