The following documents are related to this meeting of the Board and its committees.

Board Documents

Document Code Title Attached files
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/.1 Request for extension of project completion date: MOPIC (Jordan)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/.2 Legal Agreement Template for Small Innovation Grant
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/.3 Request for extension of project completion date: WFP (Egypt)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/.4 Request for Provision of Direct Project Services: WFP (Lesotho)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/.5 Request for extension of project completion date: ANII (Uruguay)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/.6 Amendment of the Terms of Reference for the Accreditation Panel
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/.7 Report of the Thirty-Third Meeting of the Accreditation Panel
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/.8 Request for extension of project completion date: PIOJ (Jamaica)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/.9 Request of Grace-Period for Re-accreditation by MoPIC (Jordan)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/10 Request for extension of programme completion date: NEMA (Kenya)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/12 Request for extension of programme completion date: Sri Lanka (WFP)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/11 Request for extension of programme completion date: Cambodia (UNEP)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/13 Request for a Change in Execution Arrangements and Disbursement Schedule: (CAF) Ecuador
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/14 Request for extension of project completion date: Mauritius (UNDP)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/15 Proposal on Ad Interim Intersessional Project Review Cycle
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/16 Request for extension of project completion date: India (1) (NABARD)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/17 Request for extension of project completion date: Lebanon (IFAD)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/18 Request for extension of project completion date: Uruguay (ANII)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/19 Request for extension of project completion date: Morocco (ADA)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/20 Request for extension of project completion date: India (2) (NABARD)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/21 Request for extension of project completion date: India (3) (NABARD)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/22 Request for extension of project completion date: India (4) (NABARD)
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/23 Report of the Thirty-Fourth Meeting of the Accreditation Panel
AFB/B.35.a-35.b/24 Programme Concept for Potential Contributions from Private Sources Developed by BVRIO Institute and Oxford Climate Policy: Outcome of the Research Phase

Ethics and Finance Committee (EFC)

Document Code Title Attached files
AFB/EFC.26.a-26.b/1/Rev.1 Administrative Budgets of the Board and Secretariat, and Trustee for Fiscal Year 2021 and the AF-TERG and its Secretariat for Fiscal Years 2021-2022
AFB/EFC.26.a-26.b/3 Draft Strategy and Work Programme of the Adaptation Fund Technical Evaluation Reference Group (AF-TERG)
AFB/EFC.26.a-26.b/2. Rev.1 Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2021

Project/Programme Review Committee (PPRC)

Document Code Title Attached files
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/.2 Proposal for Indonesia (1)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/.3 Proposal for Indonesia (2)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/.4 Proposal for Indonesia (3)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/.5 Proposal for Indonesia (4)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/.6 Proposal for Tanzania, United Republic of (1)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/.7 Proposal for Tanzania, United Republic of (2)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/14 Proposal for Tunisia
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/16 Proposal for Zimbabwe
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/15 Proposal for Viet Nam
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/17 Proposal for Jordan, Lebanon
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/.8 Proposal for Tanzania, United Republic of (3)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/.9 Proposal for Tanzania, United Republic of (4)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/18 Proposal for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/10 Proposal for Kiribati
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/11 Proposal for Cambodia
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/12 Proposal for Cameroon
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/13 Proposal for Pakistan
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/19 Proposal for Thailand, Viet Nam
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/.1 Report of the Secretariat on Initial Screening/Technical Review of Project and Programme Proposals
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/20 Request for Change of Project Outcome, Output and Related Indicators: PROFONANPE (Peru)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/21 Recommendations of the Project and Programme Review Committee on Proposals Considered During the Intersessional Review Cycle
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/23 Proposal for Indonesia (1)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/24 Proposal for Indonesia (2)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/25 Proposal for Indonesia (3)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/26 Proposal for Indonesia (4)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/27 Proposal for Tanzania, United Republic of (1)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/28 Proposal for Tanzania, United Republic of (2)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/29 Proposal for Cambodia
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/30 Proposal for Cameroon
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/32 Proposal for Jordan, Lebanon
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/37 Proposal for Egypt
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/38 Proposal for Liberia
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/31 Proposal for Zimbabwe
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/40 Proposal for Syrian Arab Republic
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/39 Proposal for Haiti
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/43 Proposal for Malaysia
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/47 Proposal for Innovation Small Grant for Antigua and Barbuda
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/50 Report of the Secretariat on Initial Screening/Technical Review of Learning Grant Proposals
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/51 Proposal for Learning Grant for Senegal
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/41 Proposal for Uganda
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/41/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Uganda
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/41/Add.2 Project Formulation Assistance Grant for Uganda
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/42 Proposal for Zimbabwe
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/42/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Zimbabwe
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/42/Add.2 Project Formulation Assistance Grant for Zimbabwe
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/44 Proposal for Bhutan
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/44/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Bhutan
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/44/Add.2 Project Formulation Assistance Grant for Bhutan
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/48 Proposal for Innovation Small Grant for Dominican Republic
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/49 Proposal for Innovation Small Grant for Uganda
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/35 Proposal for Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/35/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/36 Proposal for Antigua and Barbuda, and St Lucia
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/36/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Antigua and Barbuda, and St Lucia
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/34 Proposal for Angola, Namibia
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/34/Add.1 Project Formulation Grant for Angola, Namibia
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/45 Proposal for Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/45/Add.1 Project formulation grant for Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/33 Proposal for Thailand, Viet Nam
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/52 Request for Change of Project Output and Executing Entity: UN-Habitat (Mongolia)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/46 Report of the Secretariat on Initial Screening/Technical Review of Innovation Small Grant Proposals
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/22 Report of the Secretariat on Initial Screening and Technical Review of Projects and Programme Proposals (Part II)
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/54 Annotated Provisional Agenda
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/53 Provisional Agenda
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/55 Recommendations of the Project and Programme Review Committee on Proposals Considered during the Intersessional Ad Interim Review Cycle
AFB/PPRC.26.a-26.b/56 Provision of Resources for Regional Projects and Programmes Ad Interim in Fiscal Year 2021