Multilateral Implementing Entity (MIE)
UN Development Programme
304 East 45th Street
FF-9th Floor
New York NY 10017
United States
Contact Person(s)
Ms. Nancy Bennet
Executive Coordinator a.i.
Vertical Fund Hub - Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS)
Tel: +421 259337422
Fax: +421 259337450
Alternate emails:;
- Mr. Robin Merlier Principal Advisor, Environmental Law and Policy Vertical Fund Hub - Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) Tel: NA Email:;
Accreditation status: AccreditedAccreditation Expiration Date: 11 October 2029
Date of Second Re-accreditation: 11 October 2024
Date of First Re-accreditation: 31 March 2015
Date of First Accreditation: 25 March 2010
Grants and Related News
- UNDP: Powerful women face the climate crisis head on in Colombia (May 2020)
- PROJECT: Adaptation Fund-UNDP Innovation Small Grant Aggregator Platform (ISGAP) (October 2019)
- PROJECT: Enhancing climate resilience of rural communities and ecosystems in Ahuachapán-Sur, El Salvador (October 2019)
- PROJECT: An integrated landscape approach to enhancing the climate resilience of small-scale farmers and pastoralists in Tajikistan (July 2019)
- PROJECT: Integrated climate-resilient transboundary flood risk management in the Drin River basin in the Western Balkans (Albania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro) (March 2019)
- PROJECT: Adaptation Initiative for Climate Vulnerable Offshore Small Islands and Riverine Charland in Bangladesh (March 2019)
- UNDP: To protect billion-dollar tourism industry, Mauritius and Seychelles to restore their coral reefs with new US$10 million grant from Adaptation Fund (November 2018)
- PROJECT: Restoring marine ecosystem services by rehabilitating coral reefs to meet a changing climate future (October 2018)
- Building Climate Resiliency with UNDP (July 2017)
- PROJECT: Ecosystem-Based Adaptation at Communities of the Central Forest Corridor in Tegucigalpa (March 2017)
- Adaptation Fund-UNDP Innovation Small Grant Aggregator Platform (ISGAP) (October 2019)
- PROJECT: Programme Support for Climate Change Adaptation in the vulnerable regions of Mopti and Timbouctou (March 2015)
- PROJECT: Increased Resilience to Climate Change in Northern Ghana through the Management of Water Resources and Diversification of Livelihoods (March 2015)
- PROJECT: Addressing Climate Change Risks on Water Resources and Food Security in the Dry Zone of Myanmar (February 2014)
- PROJECT: Developing climate resilience of farming communities in the drought prone parts of Uzbekistan (February 2014)
- PROJECT: Climate change resilient production landscapes and socioeconomic networks advanced in Guatemala (September 2013)
- PROJECT: Reduction of Vulnerability to Coastal Flooding through Ecosystem-based Adaptation in the South of Artemisa and Mayabeque Provinces (December 2012)
- PROJECT: Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Seychelles (December 2012)
- PROJECT: Developing Agro-Pastoral Shade Gardens as an Adaptation Strategy for Poor Rural Communities (June 2012)
- PROJECT: Reducing Risk and Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Region of La Depresion Momposina in Colombia (June 2012)
- PROJECT: Enhancing adaptive capacity of communities to climate change-related floods in the North Coast and Islands Region of Papua New Guinea (March 2012)
- PROJECT: Enhancing Resilience of Samoa’s Coastal Communities to Climate Change (December 2011)
- PROJECT: Akamatutu’anga i te iti tangata no te tuatau manakokore ia e te taui’anga reva – Strengthening the Resilience of our Islands and our Communities to Climate Change (December 2011)
- PROJECT: Developing Climate Resilient Flood and Flash Flood Management Practices to Protect Vulnerable Communities of Georgia (December 2011)
- PROJECT: Climate Change Adaptation Programme in the Coastal Zone of Mauritius (September 2011)
- PROJECT: Addressing climate change risks to farming systems in Turkmenistan at national and community level (June 2011)
- PROJECT: Increasing climate resilience through an Integrated Water Resource Management Programme in HA. Ihavandhoo, ADh. Mahibadhoo and GDh. Gadhdhoo Island (June 2011)
- PROJECT: Ecosystem Based Adaptation Approach to Maintaining Water Security in Critical Water Catchments in Mongolia (June 2011)
- PROJECT: Enhancing resilience of communities in Solomon Islands to the adverse effects of climate change in agriculture and food security (March 2011)
- PROJECT: Climate Change Adaptation Programme In Water and Agriculture In Anseba Region, Eritrea (March 2011)
- PROJECT: Reducing Risks and Vulnerabilities from Glacier Lake Outburst Floods in Northern Pakistan (December 2010)
- PROJECT: Reduction of Risks and Vulnerability Based on Flooding and Droughts in the Estero Real Watershed (December 2010)
- PROJECT: Addressing Climate Change Risks on Water Resources in Honduras: Increased Systemic Resilience and Reduced Vulnerability of the Urban Poor (September 2010)