NIE providing South-South Cooperation

Centre de Suivi Ecologique (CSE)

Contact Person(s)

  • Déthié Soumaré Ndiaye
    +221338258066 / +221776583878

South-South Cooperation Experience

South-South Cooperation experience between 2014 and 2016:

Knowledge sharing and capacity building

  • Providing technical advice to Agricultural Development Agency (ADA) in Morocco: grant management, payment of services, procurement process and implementation arrangements
  • Sharing execution documents and technical advice with several institutions including the Ministry of Natural Resources (MINIRENA) of Rwanda, the Bank of Industry (BOI) of Nigeria and the National Environment Management Council (NEMC) of Tanzania: project launching report, technical and financial reports, project Risk assessment /management manual, Project Monitoring and evaluation Manual)
  • Sharing experience of achieving the AF accreditation with the Civil Society Network on Climate change (CISONEC) of Malawi
  • The CSE has built capacities for several French speaking countries for a better access to Climate Funds (AF and GCF), through an activity funded by the 1 Institut de la Francophonie pour le Développement Durable (IFDD)/ Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF). These countries included Burkina-Faso, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, DRC, Gabon, Guinea, Haiti, Madagascar, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo
  • The CSE hosted a study tour organized by World Resources Institute (WRI) for the National Environment Management Authority of Kenya (NEMA). The purpose of this visit was to facilitate experience sharing in the framework of the implementation of the Adaptation Funds funded project in Senegal.

Managing funds and applying for accreditation

  • The CSE has provided technical assistance to Banque Agricole du Niger (BAGRI), the Fonds Spécial en faveur de l’Environnement (FSE) of Chad and the Agência Nacional de Água e Saneamento (ANAS) of Cape Verde
  • The CSE is currently providing technical assistance to Mali, Guinea and Sierra Leon