Document Summary
Decision B.16/7
Having considered the comments and recommendations of the Project and Programme Review Committee, the Adaptation Fund Board decided to request the secretariat to:
(a) Prepare a short summary of the analysis contained in document AFB/PPRC.7/3 and to post it, together with the presentation made to the Project and Programme Review Committee at its seventh meeting, on the website of the Adaptation Fund;
(b) Prepare a short and concise guidance document for project and programme proponents to better apprehend the different sections of the proposal template, and more specifically on;
(i) The demonstration that the project or programme supports concrete adaptation actions;
(ii) The demonstration of the cost effectiveness of the projects and programmes;
(iii) The use of relevant national technical standards by the projects and programmes;
(iv) The areas of vulnerability; and
(v) The stakeholder consultative process that is necessary to prepare the project and programme proposals.
(c) Based on the guidance document referred to above, to consider the possibility of developing a specific template for project and programme concepts, with tailored guidelines on how to complete the mandatory sections.
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